casual dress shirt — Blog — CookieCrazie

casual dress shirt

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, June 5, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It is WONDERFUL to be home and back to cookies.
I've decided I rather like being weeks and weeks ahead for blog posts.....
so believe it or not, I've been doing back-to-school cookies this week. :)

Next week I'm working on special cookies for my two new son-in-laws.
They both have birthdays right now.....and since we are celebrating together next week, 
I thought I'd make them special cookies.
I'm going to try a red velvet cut-out cookie recipe and make a cream cheese-flavored glaze.
This is one of Joe's favorite flavors, so I'm trying to please him on his birthday. :)

Somehow, I injured my hand at the base of my thumb.
Boy, you sure do realize how much you need your hands when they suddenly become painful!
Thankfully, it is my left hand, (I'm right-handed), so it hasn't deterred me too much. ;) is hard to believe we've just dove in.


Instagram photos for this week:

Lovely Ukrainian gifts from a cookie friend who lives in Kiev.
Thank you Natalia!
You were so kind to think of me!

 Headed home to USA today.
Our trip to Ukraine has been extremely fruitful and we've been blessed beyond measure.
Now all I can think about is H.O.M.E. :)

Finally getting the textures wanted for an ice cream cone cookie.

Happy Sunday!

May youre Tuesday be filled with delightful things....

Remembering last summer's big SPLASH into cookies. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Fathers Day Casual Shirt Cookie (Tutorial)

Now that we've done a more dressy collared shirt cookie for Dad on Fathers Day,
let's make a casual shirt cookie with a pocket and buttons.

The cookie shape is simple........a large square. :)
Using additional cookie dough, cut out a collar and a pocket and
place them on top of the cookie before baking.
(I used the straight edge of the large square cutter to cut out these shapes.)

After the cookie is baked and cooled, flood the entire cookie in your-color-of-choice glaze.

Be careful not to use too much glaze around the edges of the collar/pocket causing it to pile up and take away from the contrast of the different cookie heights.

In this example cookie, a plaid pattern was added....
but feel free to leave the shirt plain or add your own pattern.

Allow the cookie to dry for at least 30 minutes.
Outline the color and pocket in the same color glaze.

To add stitches, allow the glaze to dry for a couple of hours.
Poke evenly space holes along the edges with a cake tester or other round tool.
Then pipe stitches across ever two holes as shown below.
(Please excuse the blurry photo.)

While the cookie is drying overnight, mold 2-3 small buttons in a silicone mold using edible clay.

Place the buttons on the side of the shirt (under the collar) and add some glaze stitches on the buttons.

Fathers Day 2015 Cookie Collection
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