Valentines Day 2014 — Blog — CookieCrazie

Valentines Day 2014

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, February 14, 2014

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It's Valentines Day!
I hope it is a wonderful love-filled day for all of you.

Nothing special going on here.
But that's the norm for V-Day.
But I sure had a wonderful time making all those Valentines cookies these last few weeks!

This week I did a random set of shapes using just three colors.
It was challenging......but very rewarding.

Next week......birthday cookie order.
I want to come up with some new birthday shapes. 
We'll see.....

I also bought some super adorable props for a photo shoot related to spring......
I can't wait to make cookies that go with them. haha

Oh yes, spring. 
It will be here soon. grass.....and so many wonderful sights and smells.
Don't you just love the changing of the seasons?

Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

 Princess Crowns.....all dressed up and ready for the party.

Maybe if we think about SPRING enough, it will come.
These cookies were made last week out of pure longing.

Limiting myself to just THREE colors this week.
Why is that so hard for me?


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Happy Valentines Day 2014 from CookieCrazie!

Tomorrow is the day to show all our loved ones how much we love them.
What better way than with C-O-O-K-I-E-S!

As always, I'm so thankful for all of you.
I could not do what I do without the faithful following of others.
It allows me to decorate to my heart's content, share it with you......
and raise funds for Ukraine missions.
What a delight!

I send you all my love in a big cyber hug.

Happy Valentines Day!


Valentines 2014 Cookie Collection
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