sleeping bag — Blog — CookieCrazie

sleeping bag

Happy Camper Cookie Collection

I've wanted to do a camp-themed set of cookies for a few years now.
That's so hilarious because I despise camping.
I've only been camping twice.....both times with small children.....
and it was NOT FUN for me at all.
My kids had a great time.....and that is why I did it.
But I don't plan to do it ever again. haha

Nevertheless......camping cookies are super fun.
And I had an amazing time planning, decorating and photographing these cookies.
I guess that makes ME a happy camper! heehee

Sleeping Bag Cookies (Tutorial)

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 2, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

While baking my cookies on Monday......
I found out my oven was on the fritz. sigh......
Thankfully it worked well enough to get my cookies done....for a cookie order no less!
But now my husband has torn apart my oven and it is out of service.
Hopefully the broken part comes in next week.
So I guess I'll not be decorating next week. :(

It's been a good week other than that.
Graduation cookies......
not my favorite, but I made the best of it.
EXCEPT for the logo cookies.
I really need to stick with my "policy" of NO logo cookies.
Every time I do them, I remember my policy....and why I made that policy.

Keith is home......and loving the "chill" time after LDAC.
The military has so many different makes me laugh.
He seems to be talking in a foreign language. :)
The entire family is together this week.
I'm so excited!
We are having family photos taken on Sunday. 
And this year, it includes my new daughter-in-law, Becca. 
And can you believe it's August???.......amazing.

Instagram photos for this week:

Jars are coming along..... :)

Sunflower Love.....

 One of my favorites in the Lemonade & More Collection :)

More lemonade-y related cookies.....

 Graduation cookies in production :)

Fireflies! :)

More graduation medieval weapons or axes in this group. ;)

The "axe cookies" are shaping into much more suitable graduation cookies. :)

Why do I subject myself to such torture?
Every time I do any kind of logo cookie......
I say I'll NEVER do it again.
And then I do. : /
Let me just say right here......I DO NOT like to do logo cookies. ;)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Happy Camper: Sleeping Bag Cookie (Tutorial)

A fun new series of cookies......Happy Camper!

To make the sleeping bag cookie, I used a jelly bean cutter.
I searched and searched for where I might have gotten no avail. :(
So......use a flip flop or an oval cutter and then "bend" the cookie a bit to look like a sleeping bag. :)

If you'd like to do an even simpler sleeping bag, make a circle cookie.
Outline and alternately flood sections of the sleeping bag roll to give it more dimension.
Outline and flood the circle as shown.

 Once the sections are flooded and the cookie has dried a few hours, 
you can add some string ties around the bunched areas.

Allow the cookie to dry overnight to add some swirls to the end with a food color marker.

If desired, you can even add a little zipper pull with some white or silver glaze.

Super simple.....super cute. :)

Happy Camper Cookie Collection
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