live a life of love — Blog — CookieCrazie

live a life of love

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 2, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

While baking my cookies on Monday......
I found out my oven was on the fritz. sigh......
Thankfully it worked well enough to get my cookies done....for a cookie order no less!
But now my husband has torn apart my oven and it is out of service.
Hopefully the broken part comes in next week.
So I guess I'll not be decorating next week. :(

It's been a good week other than that.
Graduation cookies......
not my favorite, but I made the best of it.
EXCEPT for the logo cookies.
I really need to stick with my "policy" of NO logo cookies.
Every time I do them, I remember my policy....and why I made that policy.

Keith is home......and loving the "chill" time after LDAC.
The military has so many different makes me laugh.
He seems to be talking in a foreign language. :)
The entire family is together this week.
I'm so excited!
We are having family photos taken on Sunday. 
And this year, it includes my new daughter-in-law, Becca. 
And can you believe it's August???.......amazing.

Instagram photos for this week:

Jars are coming along..... :)

Sunflower Love.....

 One of my favorites in the Lemonade & More Collection :)

More lemonade-y related cookies.....

 Graduation cookies in production :)

Fireflies! :)

More graduation medieval weapons or axes in this group. ;)

The "axe cookies" are shaping into much more suitable graduation cookies. :)

Why do I subject myself to such torture?
Every time I do any kind of logo cookie......
I say I'll NEVER do it again.
And then I do. : /
Let me just say right here......I DO NOT like to do logo cookies. ;)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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