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Happy Birthday Decorated Cookie Collection 2016

Every year I try to make at least one set of birthday-related cookies.
There's always new techniques and shapes to add to the crowd.
This year did not disappoint.

And the pinks, silver, and black icings certainly added pizazz to the whole set!

I've been gift tag CRAZIE for several birthday gift tags had to be added! :)

Consider this my random Happy Birthday wish to you! :)

2016 Happy Birthday Decorated Cookie Collection

Fireplace Christmas Cookie Scene

This is one of those cookie collections that was dreamed about......long before it became a reality.

The Christmas tree next to a blazing fireplace is one of those iconic symbols of
the beautiful season of Christmas. 

My dream of creating the whole scene in cookies has finally been fulfilled. 

I wish you warm, sweet moments and memories this Christmas season.

2014 Christmas Cookie Collection

Electric Orange Birthday Cookie Collection

Here's another birthday set using orange.

I have a faithful client who orders cookies for her orange-lovin' daughter each year.
I'm not usually an orange-kind-of-girl.......but I like these funky electric colors mixed together.

Cupcake custom cutter is no longer available. :(



Electric Orange Birthday Cookie Collection

Bows N Frills Birthday Cookie Collection

When I was asked to do a little girl's 2nd birthday cookies for her party......
and told to make it as girly as possible, 
I got super excited. :)

Lots of PINK, bows, flowers, polka-dots, and hearts.......F-U-N!

Christmas Tree Collection with 3D Candle Holder (Tutorial)

To make a 3D Christmas candle cookie you will need:

 For the base of the candle holder, you will need three circles in graduated sizes.
I used 3", 2-3/4", and 2-1/4" from these cutters.
For the actual candle, I used 9 (nine) 1-1/4" circles, but you can determine how tall you want the candle.
 I cut out a tear drop cookie and then pinched it to look more like a flame.
And I cut out a semi-circle, cut out the middle and shaped it like a handle.

"Glue" the three base circles together with gold glaze
Glue the candle circles together with red glaze.

Start at the top of the candle, and flood around the sides to the bottom with red glaze.

 Flood the candle base, handle, and flame with gold glaze.

After the gold glaze has dried for about an hour, attach the handle to the base and
wedge something under it (I used an extra cookie) to keep the handle in place until it dries completely.

This is where I forgot to keep taking photos. :(
I apologize.....I was doing way too many things at once.....
3D Christmas tree and lots more as you'll see below.

After the base and the candle have dried for several hours, glue the candle to the base.
Prepare a rack or something similar to prop up the flame on the top.
Glue the flame to the top of the candle and allow to dry overnight. 
OH.....and I added "wax drips" around the top of the candle with red glaze. :)
(I'm including my Christmas tree photo with the contraption I used to 
prop up the you could see something similar.)

I had such fun creating the 3D tree, presents, and candle holder.
I went a little crazie with photos. :)

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