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CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 19, 2014

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CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Life is never dull.
This weekend we celebrated my son's awesome accomplishments.
We flew to Florida to watch him take the oath to become an Army officer......
and then he graduated with a BS degree from his college.
It was a happy time in our family.
We are so proud of him!

Once I got back home......I made some Christmas cookies for a family gathering this weekend.
It was so fun to just make cookies for the actual season. haha

This weekend we are traveling to to visit family.
And then next the BIG week for celebrating.
I'm excited for all ten of my immediate family to get together for lots of fellowship.
We have two new sons in the it will be glorious. 

I wish you all a very wonderful holiday week celebrating with your family and friends.


Instagram photos for this week:

Another version of the Homespun Winter Tree and Cardinal.....short and sweet.

Happy Saturday!

It's been quite a weekend for our family.
My son took the oath yesterday morning to become an officer in the U.S. Army.
And this morning he graduated from college.
Proud Mama......right here, right now. :)

Ready for a gingerbread sort of way.

Christmas Cookie Cheer from last year......

Build-a-Snowman Cookie Platter from last year..... :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Fireplace Christmas Cookie Scene

This is one of those cookie collections that was dreamed about......long before it became a reality.

The Christmas tree next to a blazing fireplace is one of those iconic symbols of
the beautiful season of Christmas. 

My dream of creating the whole scene in cookies has finally been fulfilled. 

I wish you warm, sweet moments and memories this Christmas season.

2014 Christmas Cookie Collection

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