candles — Blog — CookieCrazie


Electric Orange Birthday Cookie Collection

Here's another birthday set using orange.

I have a faithful client who orders cookies for her orange-lovin' daughter each year.
I'm not usually an orange-kind-of-girl.......but I like these funky electric colors mixed together.

Cupcake custom cutter is no longer available. :(



Electric Orange Birthday Cookie Collection

Bows N Frills Birthday Cookie Collection

When I was asked to do a little girl's 2nd birthday cookies for her party......
and told to make it as girly as possible, 
I got super excited. :)

Lots of PINK, bows, flowers, polka-dots, and hearts.......F-U-N!

A Cookie Birthday for CookieCrazie's 4th!

It's here!

The birthday is finally here......

Come in.....make yourselves at home.

I have all the decorations (uhhh....COOKIES!) in place....

I made some birthday banners.....

All the decorations are happily waiting to celebrate.

Oh.....and I made you a very special cake.
It is a SEVEN layer cookie cake.
Yes, us cookie girls can make cake too. (well.....sort of!)

Of course, it is not beautifully decorated
like real birthday cakes might be.....
but I did the best I could with glaze
and a big stack of round cookies. :)

OK......the candles are lit
(they've been burnin' for days now, lol) 
and it is time to sing. :)

"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear CookieCrazie,
Happy Birthday to you."

Did you sing? 

I've cut the cake so that everyone may have a slice......

Ahhh.....come on, just one small slice.....

 What an awesome party!
I'm so glad you came.

If you haven't signed up for the birthday give-away,
but sure to do that before tomorrow (Monday) midnight, CST.
You don't want to miss the chance
at all those great prizes!

If you haven't seen SweetSugarBelle's awesome
gift to CookieCrazie, check it out HERE.

And now for even more fun.
Bring some cookies to the party to share!

Even if you don't have a blog, 
you can share your cookie photos 
from Flickr and Facebook too.

So.....consider this a gift to CookieCrazie's party....
a link to cookies you've made that are your favorites.
And then we all get to enjoy the gifts together. :)

It is my honor to host this party and have you all here.
Thank you for being the best blog followers ever!
I appreciate each and everyone of you.
I'm so glad for the opportunity to share my creations with you.
I hope they at least delight you......
and if they can inspire you as well......
that makes me so happy.

May we have many more birthdays ahead to celebrate
all the blessings God gives us. :)

Happy Birthday from SweetSugarBelle :)

A very dear friend helped me come up with this
whole idea of birthday week for CookieCrazie.
We were planning some other things for our blogs when I realized
that my blog birthday was coming up.

What fun it has been to pull together lots of
different things to celebrate the event.

But you's not really about the blog.....
as much as it is about the people & relationships
surrounding the cookie community.
I've met many.....
and feel like I'm meeting at least one new one every day.

One of my bestie cookie friends is sweet Callye.

She agreed to help me celebrate by writing a guest post
for CookieCrazie's special day.

No need for introduction.....
I'll hand this post over to dear SweetSugarBelle. :)


Today is a very big day for my friend Pam. 
 I “met” Pam three years ago when
 Now, four years later I am excited to help her
celebrate the birthday of her blog, Cookie Crazie.

As I mentioned before, I have known Pam since
almost the beginning of my cookie adventure.
She was one of the first cookiers to seek me out,
encourage me, and become a friend.

Just a few years later,
it's really mind-blowing to me that a simple
Flickr comment has turned into a lifelong friend. 

Anyway, today I'm here to celebrate
CookieCrazie's birthday the best way I know how.

In honor of this special day
I'm going to show you how to make
number cookies with birthday hats.
These can be adapted to any number you like,
but today, of course,
I am making the number four!

To make these cookies you will need:
·      White piping and flood icing
·         Pink piping and flood icing
·         Stiff orange piping and flood icing
·         Yellow flood icing
To create this cookie I connected a star point to a “4”.

Begin by outlining the cookie as shown below.
 I used a marker to pre-mark the center of the cookie as a guide.

Next fill the “4” with pink flood icing.
 Let the cookie dry for an hour or two before moving on.

 Next, fill the “hat” and add flowers using the wet on wet technique.
 Since the flower detail is a bit small,
I used bottles like THESE fitted with a #1.5 PME tip.

At this point let the cookie dry for three to four hours.
To finish up, use a #233 tip to add a fringe and top to the party hat.

Let dry and you have a cute custom cookie everyone will love.

I would love to wish Cookie Crazie a very happy fourth birthday!
I cannot wait to see what the next year brings!


Oh Sweet Sugar Belle.....
You DO know how to celebrate Cookie Style....

You can see lots more of SSB wonderful-ness

Thank you so much for sharing
festive birthday number cookies with us, Callye.
I LOVE the orange & pink
and those FRINGES!
(That's not something you can do easily with glaze.)

And thanks for the birthday wishes......
from you and SO MANY 
CookieCrazie fans.
I'm lovin' all the comments, everyone.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart...

I am a VERY BLESSED person.

Don't forget to participate in the

And get ready.......
tomorrow is the BIG DAY.

See you at the party!!!!!!

Cookie Crazie's Birthday Week!

Cookie Crazie is turning FOUR on Sunday, Februrary 26, 2012!

Sounds like a great reason to celebrate

We're having a party.....We're having a party....

There's lots of fun things going on for the next 7 days.

So let's get to celebrating.....
here's the first of lots of birthday cookies I want to show you this week.

My Keith turned 20 last month.....I made him cookies (surprise, surprise!). :)

Tomorrow.....a birthday cookie tutorial.

And get your birthday cookie photos ready.....
 because you need to bring them to the party this weekend.
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