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Christmas Cheer Decorated Cookie Collection

Christmas is definitely a favorite for many. There’s just so many aspects that are delight to every sense and mesmerizing.

I love to start off the season with a more traditional set of cookies that reflect all the red and green beauty around us.

I named this collection CHEER because these cookies (and the season) do exactly what the definition states…

CHEER: [ cheer ] noun
-something that gives joy or gladness; encouragement; comfort:

May your Christmas season be filled with good cheer!



TRUST Decorated Cookie Collection

Continuing in my quest to use cookies to reveal what’s in my heart… is another set of cookies with a message.

TRUST - [truhst]

1) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

2) confident expectation of something; hope.

The last few months I’ve been hanging on to to trusting my God for all that He has for me.
He never promised it would be easy…..but he DOES promise to be with me always (Matt 28:20).
He promises that He loves me (John 3:16) and that nothing will separate me from His love (Romans 8:35-39).

One of my favorite verses:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

God is faithful.
I will TRUST Him.



Spring JOY Decorated Cookie Collection

Spring……what joy it brings.

Continuing on my quest of creating cookie themes promoting what is true, pure, right, lovely, & excellent (Phillipians 4:8), here is the Spring JOY collection.

It was really fun to pick out aspects of spring that bring such joy. Don’t you just love the idea of new life, flowers, growth, and gorgeous colors after the winter?

As we enter into this new season of life…..


Christmas Joy Decorated Sugar Cookie Collection

If you’ve followed my site for long, you know that I decorate seasonal cookies far ahead of schedule…..just to be on top of blog posts, tutorials, classes, etc. So this final set of Christmas cookies for 2018 was created back in September.

August and September of 2018 have been a crazy time for me. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and found myself with a new “full time job” of fighting cancer. I barely had any time to decorate cookies. But I was determined to do as many sets as I could despite the lack of time and energy.

The day after I finished these cookies, I had my surgery (mastectomy). I remember putting the final touches on these cookies and pushing myself to get them done because I wasn’t sure when I would get back to decorating.

These are definitely not my best work….and the photos were hurried and forced. But they are part of my journey. I guess it is interesting to chronicle your life by cookies. ;)

Christmas holds such a special place in my heart. And I’m glad I got to dwell on all it means while I contemplated one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. These little bites of joy brought delight and distraction to my heart as I dreaded the upcoming procedure. And it makes my heart happy that I was able to do something I love despite the circumstances. ❤️

May our Christmas season be especially blessed as we contemplate what life really means and cherish every moment we are given.



Christmas Gift Tag Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

If you've followed me at all in 2017, you know that I tend to favor these cute gift tag cutters.
I certainly love the shapes......but I also love that they are extremely versatile. 
You can literally use them for any season or occasion and I've definitely taken advantage of that this year. haha

The Creative Cookier graciously agreed to make these cutters for me.....and also make them available to you. Check out their store and all their great cutters and products!

The videos shows how to create all the Christmas gift tags in the photo.

For these circle and rectangle designed cookies, you'll need a circle cutter and/or a rectangle cutter (2.5" x 1.5") to impress in the dough before you bake them.
The knit impression mat can be found HERE. You'll need to allow the glaze to dry for at least 3.5 hours before pressing the mat into it for a knitted impression.
The "Merry Christmas" embosser can be found HERE. Press this into glaze that has dried for at least 2.5 hours.

For these smaller tags, use this tea bag cookie cutter.
Pick a mini cutter that fits well within the tag shape.

These tags require molding cookie dough and adding it on top of the cut-out tag before baking.
This tree mold and this pinecone mold were used for the tags.
The tree was covered in green dust.
The pinecone was covered in caramel dust.
The "Merry Christmas" embosser can be found HERE. Press this into glaze that has dried for at least 2.5 hours.

For this snowflake gift tag, use the largest snowflake plunger in THIS SET.
You'll need to impress the cookie dough with the plunger before you bake the cookies.

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