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TRUST Decorated Cookie Collection

Continuing in my quest to use cookies to reveal what’s in my heart… is another set of cookies with a message.

TRUST - [truhst]

1) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

2) confident expectation of something; hope.

The last few months I’ve been hanging on to to trusting my God for all that He has for me.
He never promised it would be easy…..but he DOES promise to be with me always (Matt 28:20).
He promises that He loves me (John 3:16) and that nothing will separate me from His love (Romans 8:35-39).

One of my favorite verses:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

God is faithful.
I will TRUST Him.



House Key Cookie (Tutorial)

Some have asked how to make keys 
like I made in the

Thankfully, I just happened to take 
photos for a tutorial on making keys. :)

To make house key cookies you will need:

** Note: I couldn't find a regular shaped key cookie cutter,
so I hand cut these cookies.
My suggestion to you is to Google "house key"
and find a key shape like this one,
print it out, and then follow my instructions

Outline the key cookie with grey glaze.
Be sure to add the key hole outline at the top.
Allow to dry for 20-30 minutes.

 Flood key with silver glaze. (sorry no photo)

Allow cookie to dry for about 1 hr.
Press a long thin (clean!) object
into the partially dried glaze to
make some realistic key grooves.
I used my handy dandy cake tester. :)

Allow the cookie to dry overnight.

Brush a combination of silver luster dust
and almond extract onto the keys
to give them a nice silver sheen.

And there you have some silver shiny keys 
to use for a house warming, realtor thank you,
or various other custom cookie collections. :)

Previous Posts Using Keys:

House For Sale/ Realtor Thank You Cookies


But I've got this collection of cookies from the last few months that I've not posted &
I'm hoping you want to see matter how random. :)

A friend's family sold their house (after it being on the market a LONG time)
and were so happy with their realtor's service that they wanted to thank them. 

Fun cookies to make.
And these ideas can be use for a New Neighbor theme too. 

I did a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" theme back in August found HERE and HERE.

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