grapevine wreath cookie — Blog — CookieCrazie

grapevine wreath cookie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 3, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

  CookieCrazie is offering a decorating class on
Sat, April 25, 2015 in the St. Louis, Missouri Metro area.
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Fabulous cookie week......beautiful weather outside.....happy happy happy.
The only downside is a spring cold. :( 
I'm sitting here sniffling, coughing, sneezing....and ready to go to bed. ;)

Fathers Day cookies went well this week.
I've very excited about the two sets completed.
June seems a long way off....

Next week.....we are on to patriotic cookies.
I just purchased some new silicone molds that I'm anxious to try out......
and this set of cookies will match the molds well.
It's the little things in life.

I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday weekend celebrating 
the awesome event of Jesus' resurrection!
He's alive, indeed. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Wishing you a lovely Friday and weekend!

Mr. Bunny is peaking out among all the flowers to say "Hi!"

Have a bright and colorful Sunday!

Spring Flower Cookies from last year..... #throwback

Last year's Easter cookies.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Grapevine Wreath Cookie (Tutorial)

Grapevine wreaths are so pretty.....and they always make me think of spring.
Why not cookie one, right?

Outline and flood the base of the wreath with brown 10-second glaze.
(see photo below)

Wait at least 15 min.....
And then use a #2 or #1.5 round tip to start making some random vines
all over the wreath in the same brown icing color.

After another 15 min, pipe another round of vines.
Just hold the tip over the wreath and allow the glaze to fall where it may.

And if desired, use a grass tip with brown edible clay, to pipe some very 3D vines on top.

Embellish the wreath as desired.

Mine has a plum edible clay molded bow, some green vines/leaves with green glaze,
and some molded edible clay flowers in various colors.

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