diploma — Blog — CookieCrazie


Graduation Congrats Decorated Cookie Collection

Oh there is such joy in crossing the finishing line of an education goal and graduating. It is truly time to celebrate and so many cookie ideas to make a reality.

Congratulations to all those who have earned a diploma and stepped up their knowledge game!



2015 Graduation Cookie Collection

It's kind of humorous how we cookie decorators live our lives through cookies.
Graduations, birthdays, weddings, babies, thank-yous, etc.......we find a way to celebrate via cookies.

It's always fun to personalize a set of celebratory cookies for one of my family members.

This time I made a special set of cookies for my son, Keith's, college graduation.

Graduation Robe Cookie (Tutorial)

Not only did Keith graduate with a BS degree in Business Administartion,
but he was also commissioned as a US Army officer through the ROTC program.

We had the privilege of attending his commissioning service,
and then attending his graduation the next day.

(I'm sure you can't see it below, but he is actually receiving his diploma on the stage in this photo. Yeah mom! ;))

Congratulations Keith.

We are so proud of you!!!

2015 Graduation Cookie Collection

2013 Graduation Cookie Collection

Oh the possibilities.....
There's plenty of ways to customize your collection to fit the graduate.

Here's the cookie cap and tassel in a BRP Box.

Graduation Diploma (Tutorial)

To make Diploma Cookies you will need:

 to make your diploma scroll cookies.

Outline and flood the end and body of the scroll.

Since it is white, you'll want it to dry for a couple hours
if you are adding a dark ribbon color like
navy, red, or black.

Outline and flood the ribbon cross piece.
Add a white outline to the entire diploma,
including the rolled up side lines.

After the cross ribbon dries for an hour or so,
outline and flood the bow.

I was extremely happy with how these turned out.

....especially since the ones I did for Neil's graduation
were ridiculously lame!
And yes, I'm showing you cookies I dislike VERY MUCH! ;o)

 I was determined to come up with much better graduation diplomas. 
Nothing like a failure to spur on good ideas. :)

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