cap and tassel — Blog — CookieCrazie

cap and tassel

2013 Graduation Cookie Collection

Oh the possibilities.....
There's plenty of ways to customize your collection to fit the graduate.

Here's the cookie cap and tassel in a BRP Box.

Cookie Graduation Cap (Tutorial)

You know me.....and 3D cookies. Love 'em!

You'll need some chocolate cookie dough (or just color regular dough with black food color gel).
For one grad cap, you'll need 3-ovals cookies and 1-diamond cookie slightly bigger than the ovals.

With black 10-second glaze, "glue" the ovals and diamond together.

Add a black button to the mortarboard.

Then make a few tassel cookies (tutorial here) with bakers twine attached.....and you're ready to go!

Graduation Cap Cookies (Tutorial)

There's plenty of graduation cap cutters out there that have become rather ordinary.
I wanted to create a unique graduation cap that would be fairly simple for anyone to cut.

I ordered my long rectangle from Ecrandal (it's 5" by 2")
but you can get something similar at Plastics in Print or Cheep Cheap Cookie Cutters.

Use a larger diamond cutter to to give the cap it's shape.
And then just rolled a bit of dough into an oval and add to the top of the cap for a button.
Easy peasy..... :)

Outline and flood the bottom part (skull cap) in black 10-second glaze.
Once it's dried for 30+ minutes, flood the "mortarboard".
And finally, outline and flood the "button" on the top.

And then to make them more authentic and much more interesting,
add a tassel cookie that has some baker's twine attached.

For a cute presentation, package the two cookies together in the same bag. :)

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