USA flag — Blog — CookieCrazie

USA flag

Painted United States Flag Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

On this Memorial Day it seems appropriate to create some US flag cookies to commemorate those who have given all for our freedom. 
This tutorial was created with much gratitude to those who serve our country.

These cookies are relatively easy to execute in that it only requires white glaze to be flooded on the cookie before using dusts to paint on the details.

Outline and flood rectangle shaped cookies with white glaze. 

Allow the cookies to dry overnight before moving to the next step.

Prepare some red and blue "paints" by mixing Red Rose and Royal Blue dusts with small amounts of vodka (or clear extract, i.e. almond extract).
Using a paint brush, create the blue background in the upper left corner of the cookie, and then the red stripes over the rest of it. (see photo below)
Neatness is not required since this design is intended to be whimsical.

Allow the "paint" to dry for an hour or two.
Pipe some white dots over the blue background to represent stars. After they have dried for about 30 minutes, smash them down with a clean finger to give a more whimsical appearance.

Stars and Stripes Forever!


US Navy Pilot Cookie Collection - Thanks Jason!

As my Navy cookie project draws to a close,
I want to thank Robyn for putting me up to the challenge......
and giving me the privilege to bring a little joy
and show a little love & appreciation to one
of USA's finest.
Thanks to Jason and all those that are fighting
so courageously to rid the world of injustice 
and make this world a better place to live.
We appreciate you!

Jason is a Navy Hornet pilot. 
He'll be deployed for several more months.....
so hopefully this box full of cookies
will bring him and his buddies 
a huge dose of joy in the midst of 
some incredible stress.

 I took several photos of these cookies.....
my faves. :)

What an honor......
challenging project.....
mixed with pure joy.

Cookies.....making a difference.
In our armed forces......
in Jason and his squadron.....
in Ukraine and the endeavors we do there,
supported by the funds I make here......

Stitched Patriotic Cookies

Continuing on the theme I started yesterday
(of which a few of you are VERY close in your guesses)
I also did stitched patriotic cookies per request. 

There's just something about making things
more like fabric with stitches or a quilt......
it puts a smile on my face. :)

This weekend I'll post some cookies that will make the theme obvious.
But until then......

Guess the Challenging Cookie Project

I told you that last week I did an especially challenging cookie project.

So here's a beginning sneak peek.

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