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Happy 4th of July, America Decorated Cookie Collection

Bring out your red white and blue decorations with lots of sparkly silver.....we are celebrating the birthday of America! YEAH! 🎉

There's so much to be thankful for. I thank God often that I've lived my life as an American and have had such incredible freedoms. 

Hurray for the RED WHITE and BLUE....

God bless America!



Happy Independence Day 2017 Decorated Cookie Collection

As we celebrate the birth of our great nation and enjoy the sweet freedom that was acquired from it's formation, may we be thankful for all that we have each and every day. 

God bless America!



Happy Independence Day!


Firework Rocket Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

And the rockets red glare.....the bombs bursting in air........ 🎇 

I love to make a grouping of cookies that display lots of color and pattern.
Firework rockets were a perfect choice for that. 

You could use any cutter  that has a long rectangle of some sort in it. You just need to cut one end to have a point for the rocket. (see photo below)
Using this pencil cutter requires no extra cutting at all. 

Outline and flood the body of the rockets with fun red, white and blue patterns using wet-on-wet technique.

Add the rocket tops and any additional details to the rocket body.
Pipe a stick or a fuse to the bottom of the rocket.
(see photo below)

Add the sparks to each rocket fuse in white glaze.
Allow the cookie to dry overnight.

Mix silver dust with vodka or clear extract (ex. almond extract) to paint over the fuse sparks.

And now it's time to light the fuses and watch the fireworks....... :)


Patriotic Medallion Bunting Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

I found some really cute patriotic medallions in my search for Independence Day decorations.
It immediately got me to wondering if I could replicate them in cookie form. (That seems to be very common in my CRAZIE brain!)

Simple simple simple.......

Outline and flood a round cookie with red, white and blue glaze. These can all be done at the same time. You'll be creating a bull's eye effect by piping the outer edge with blue glaze, the middle with white glaze, and the inside circle with red glaze. (see photo below)

Once the flooded cookie has dried for about 1 - 1-1/2 hours, use a cake tester to make diameter lines all the way around it.

In the cookies shown above, I ended up marking them with additional diameter lines to create a more complete look.


Painted United States Flag Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

On this Memorial Day it seems appropriate to create some US flag cookies to commemorate those who have given all for our freedom. 
This tutorial was created with much gratitude to those who serve our country.

These cookies are relatively easy to execute in that it only requires white glaze to be flooded on the cookie before using dusts to paint on the details.

Outline and flood rectangle shaped cookies with white glaze. 

Allow the cookies to dry overnight before moving to the next step.

Prepare some red and blue "paints" by mixing Red Rose and Royal Blue dusts with small amounts of vodka (or clear extract, i.e. almond extract).
Using a paint brush, create the blue background in the upper left corner of the cookie, and then the red stripes over the rest of it. (see photo below)
Neatness is not required since this design is intended to be whimsical.

Allow the "paint" to dry for an hour or two.
Pipe some white dots over the blue background to represent stars. After they have dried for about 30 minutes, smash them down with a clean finger to give a more whimsical appearance.

Stars and Stripes Forever!

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