US Navy Pilot Cookie Collection - Thanks Jason! — CookieCrazie

US Navy Pilot Cookie Collection - Thanks Jason!

As my Navy cookie project draws to a close,
I want to thank Robyn for putting me up to the challenge......
and giving me the privilege to bring a little joy
and show a little love & appreciation to one
of USA's finest.
Thanks to Jason and all those that are fighting
so courageously to rid the world of injustice 
and make this world a better place to live.
We appreciate you!

Jason is a Navy Hornet pilot. 
He'll be deployed for several more months.....
so hopefully this box full of cookies
will bring him and his buddies 
a huge dose of joy in the midst of 
some incredible stress.

 I took several photos of these cookies.....
my faves. :)

What an honor......
challenging project.....
mixed with pure joy.

Cookies.....making a difference.
In our armed forces......
in Jason and his squadron.....
in Ukraine and the endeavors we do there,
supported by the funds I make here......
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