Cookie Boxes, Boxes, Boxes — CookieCrazie

Cookie Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

A couple of weeks ago, I order box samples from BRP Box Shop. You can order free samples and just pay the shipping. There were so many I wanted to I plunged in.

First of all, let me say that I will definitely be ordering from this wonderful company. They were fast, efficient, have reasonable prices, and their boxes are quality material. Plus, they have so much variety that if I get tired of one box, I can easily order another. And here's the clincher.....FREE SHIPPING! The last box company I used made me pay nearly 50% more in getting shipping free excites me!!!!

These boxes are so fun. The food safe ones mainly come in white, pink, and brown.....but there are many other colors too. It was hard to choose which five I wanted sent to me!! They come in every shape and size....with windows and without. I felt like a kid in a candy shop. :)))))

I finally settled on these:

Here's my conclusions.
** I won't order pink because even though I LOVE the color.....there's so many occasions where pink just won't work.....especially if there are windows where you can see the cookies.
Can you imagine muted fall colors against that pink?
 ** The 4" deep box is too deep for cookies. To fill it, you'd have to stack 4 or 5 deep....and that's just not wise for cookies. 
** My two favorite sizes are the 14 x 14 x 1 1/2" (which I have's basically a pizza box)
and the 14 x 10 x 2 1/2". Both would be perfect for cookie orders.
** And I love the idea of a window to show off the cookies. The first thing I do when someone comes to pick up cookies is to open the box to show them. With a window, there would be no need. You just make sure the best cookies are on top showing through the window. ;)

So I'm probably going to order the 14 x 14 with window or the 14 x 10 with window. 
Hurray! I love finding exactly what I need/like. Being able to actually see the boxes and put cookies in them was a huge plus. Obviously I'm sold. :)


More Valentine cookies........

I'm so excited.....yesterday I decorated more Valentines cookies. I was determined to get a certain look on a few of my cookies....and after studying some Googled pics.....I achieved it.
I'm anxious to show you in the coming days!
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