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CookieCrazieBasics: Smooth Even Cookies....EVERY Time (Tutorial)

Who knows how many times I've been asked questions like......"How do you get such smooth even cookies?" or "How do your cookies always turn out the same thickness?" or "How do you get your cookies so thick?" etc etc. 

I wish I could say it was skill.......but no, I have the perfect tool. 

Love, love, love my DoBord!

But it hasn't been available for a few years now. :(

But I have GOOD NEWS!

I have found another company that makes a very similar product.

Check out Cornerstone Cabinets.....

They have a board very close to the same product called the Cookie Board!

NOTE: The instructions below are for the DoBoard and therefore will not be exactly the same as for the newer Cookie Board.

The outside frame pieces are higher than the inner square.

You get to set the height for your dough.

When you roll the dough with the long rolling pin included.....

your dough will evenly match the height you set.


One side has a removable panel.

When you undo the two screws......

you can take off the panel to adjust the height of the main platform.

The higher the frame is set, the thicker your dough will be.

The DoBord provides four settings.

1/8", 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2"

I use the 3/8" setting for all my cookies. I like my cookies thick! :) 


Cornerstone Cabinets Cookie Board


Other Suggestions for Even Dough....


I've tried this silicone mat system and it works quite well.

It is less expensive than the cookie board and eliminates the need for flour when rolling dough.


Rolling Pin Bands

on Amazon

Happy dough rolling! :)

Lookee My New Toy :-)

Last week I got a new toy for my cookie baking obsession......a DoBoard. You use it to roll out nice, even dough.'s amazing! I took some pics this afternoon so you could see it in "action".

This pic shows how the long dowel smooths the dough to the height you set the board at. Cool?

I love how they are all the same thickness. :-)

Hopefully I'll be back this weekend with all these flowers decked out. :-)))))
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