Cookie Cutters and Templates — CookieCrazie

Cookie Cutters and Templates

What is it about not being able to get enough cookie cutters? It seems that I am looking through cutter websites all the time for new and cool cutters. But why?! It is not as though I don't have hundreds of cutters already! ;)

Now this doesn't compare to some other decorators, but this is my stash. First I categorized them for easy retrieval. Than I put them in shallow drawers so that I can easily see every cutter I have. When I need a particular corner or shape......I can quickly look through each drawer and see what is available. This has made my life so much easier......

But, I digress....... From earlier posts, I've shown how you can reshape dough after cutting it out or take different shapes and make your own custom cookie.

But you can also solve the "gotta have THAT cutter too" problem by making templates. They are a bit crude and not near as easy as pressing the cutter into the dough and flopping on the pan.....but if you really need a shape (and hopefully not too big a quantity for that shape) can make a simple template. 

Probably the easiest way to make a template is to print out the shape you want to cut.....cut it out, and then trace that shape onto some type of flat plastic. You can use the tops of sour cream or cool whip containers......or buy some sheets of plastic at the craft store.

In this picture here, I've used sour cream container tops to make two types of coffee/tea cups. 

Lay the template on top of the dough and cut around it with a sharp knife. Then take the shape and round out the sides with your finger or a knife since they may be a bit rough and ugly. 

When I discovered this, it was another one of those "whole new world" revelations for me. I've been able to do all kinds of "one-of-a-kind" cookies by hand cutting using templates.

Now I wouldn't recommend this for all occasions.....but if there is a unique shape that some one is requesting......or you're just itchin' to's the best way.......well, at least the least expensive way! lol

I have another winter 2011 cookie set to show you. One of my favorite ways to get warm is by drinking chocolate......cappuccino. So I designed a whole serious of cups and mugs with yummy drinks. :)))))

Lots more in this winter drink collection.

And now that we've thoroughly covered cookie dough and cutting out shapes.....we will move on to making glaze, coloring it, and bagging it.
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