pool raft — Blog — CookieCrazie

pool raft

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 4, 2014

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy


CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015



CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Happy Independence Day!
As Americans, it is definitely a day to celebrate. :)

Can it really be July already?
This summer is flying by.......wow!

My oldest daughter just got engaged last Friday......so another wedding is on the horizon.
And Jill & Joe are planning it in September, so it is going to come really QUICK.
After I get back from Ukraine......there's only two weeks until the wedding. Yikes!
But thankfully that will be enough time to decorate some wedding cookies. :)
Priorities.....you know. haha

This next week I'm starting my autumn cookies.
I've got to get a jump on them since I'll be busy with the Ukraine trip and then a WEDDING!
So much to think about in the coming days......


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!!!

Have a golden Saturday......

Have a cool sunny Sunday!

Keep it Cool on this fine Tuesday.....

Go ahead.....Scream for it. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Pool Raft Cookies (Tutorial)

Pool raft cookies are super simple.

You'll need a long rectangle-shaped cookie.
Outline and flood it with your-color-of-choice 10-second glaze.

Allow the glaze to dry for approximately 2 hours.
Using a long thin tool like a cake tester, make burrows to resemble a raft.
(see photo below)


Splash into Summer Cookie Collection
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