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Ride 'em Cowboy Cookie Collection

With the challenge to make cowboy boot cookies for my pastor's retirement party......
I got all CRAZIE and made a whole collection of cookies to go with the boots.
I know you are SO surprised. haha

Cowboy Boot Cookies (Tutorial)


Here's the actual set I gave my pastor as a a beautiful BRP box, of course. :)

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, November 1, 2013

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Another good week of cookie decorating.
I did FIVE versions of Indian corn this
I"m trying to redeem that awful attempt I had a few weeks ago.

And then I made some pumpkins and some Thanksgiving pies.

We started learning our Christmas music in church choir......
so that makes me feel a little better about starting Christmas cookies next week.
I'm going to be scouring over saved photo ideas and
then google lots of things to put in cookie form. 
The planning stage is so fun. 
Once I get the "plan".......and start making the cookies.....
I have a "freak out" stage where I start saying, "What was I thinking?!".
But usually by taking one step at a time.....
and learning to make good on things that don't necessarily turn out as planned.....
and PRAYING TONS......
the cookies turn out the way they are supposed to.
It may not be as I envisioned, but's not about me. ;)

As my mother-in-law just said to me on the phone.....
it is going to be Thanksgiving before you know it
and then suddenly Christmas will be here.
Yep. It happens over and over.
The time is flipping by so quickly.

Savor the moments.
Today....I took time to go out on the porch with a hot drink and 
sit and listen to the rain falling.
It was only a few moments......but it was such a joy to stop and savor.

Instagram photos for this week:

So thankful for a new day and a blessed life. :)

 One of my cookie projects this week.... Any guesses?

Happy Monday! 

 Preparing for spring....
A nice change from autumn colors. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Jean Pocket Cookies (Tutorial)

Sometimes cookie themes evolve......from something a cascade of related shapes.
Haha.....I have trouble knowing when to say enough-is-enough.

I was making some western boot cookies for a special occasion......
and suddenly I found myself surrounded by a myriad of western/southwest themed cookies.

I came across a cute idea I'd seen others do with a jean pocket.

No need for a special cutter.
Just cute a square and go from there.

Outline and flood the pocket with a muted blue shade of 10-second glaze.
Allow it to dry for at least an hour before adding the pocket top layer.

If can add a brad or a tag to make the pocket look even more authentic.
And for extra detail (see I told you.....sometimes I just don't know when to stop....),
add a bandana in the pocket. :)

After the cookie has dried overnight, 
paint on some "stitches with a paint brush and some white food color gel.

Check out SugarBelle's awesome tutorial on doing bandana print.

Ride 'Em Cowboy Cookie Collection
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