bandana print — Blog — CookieCrazie

bandana print

Ride 'em Cowboy Cookie Collection

With the challenge to make cowboy boot cookies for my pastor's retirement party......
I got all CRAZIE and made a whole collection of cookies to go with the boots.
I know you are SO surprised. haha

Cowboy Boot Cookies (Tutorial)


Here's the actual set I gave my pastor as a a beautiful BRP box, of course. :)

Pumpkin Extravaganza: The Parade Begins.....

When I saw Flour Box Bakery's pumpkins done in so many fun designs..... I had to try a similar project. Of course, I knew mine would include lots of stitches, quilting, and plaids. :)

Here's the start of the parade of pumpkins in all kinds of sizes and shapes......

You ain't seen the end of this parade yet.....come back for more. :)
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