giving cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

giving cookies

Simple Button Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Every year when I go to Ukraine, I take tons of small cookies to share with everyone I encounter.
It is always fun to try to think of a simple design that will be easy to replicate 150-200 times, travel well without breakage, and yet bring a smile to each face.
This year I chose simple round cookies with either a button design or a smiley face.
Each of them ended up being very simple to make.....and I had a blast creating a whole rainbow of fun colors.

For the button cookies, I used this  Button Hole Cutter.
It made the whole process super simple and created an authentic looking button.

Outline and flood the round cookie.
Allow the cookie to dry for 3-4 hours.
Use a round cutter to create a circle cut just inside the original outline.
Then impress the middle of the cookie with the button holer.

Waa laa......a button cookie. :)

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