Cookies Ready......Ukraine Here I Come! — CookieCrazie

Cookies Ready......Ukraine Here I Come!

Well.....I may not be packed and ready to go to Ukraine.....but my cookies are. lol Priorities, you know!

I needed to make birthday cuppies for our church's preschool again, so I did them in spring colors with Easter sprinkles.

Here's just a sampling of all the flowers I did for Ukraine. I will put some of these in gift bags to the pastors wives that we will be encouraging and teaching. Others I'll give to our hosts and interpreter. And I've got plenty extra to give to any others along the way. I love to give so much. I can hardly wait to see all the smiles.....the absolutely best part of cookie giving. :)

I attempted the Future Leadership Foundation of those very challenging cookies. I am so happy with how they turned out. I prayed as I decorated....asking God to bless my skill. I can't believe the writing is legible. I usually stink at writing. God is good!

The small squares below the logo are made to represent the Ukraine flag....

Things are really getting exciting. Only 36 hours until we leave. Hopefully tomorrow will be a very productive day. My to do list is still way too long...... but at least the cookies are ready to go. hee hee
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