Cookies on Mission to Ukraine! — CookieCrazie

Cookies on Mission to Ukraine!

This will be my last post for a few weeks. I leave for the Ukraine on Friday, July 10 and will return Saturday, July 25. Needless to say......I am VERY excited! :-)

I made my last batch of cookies for a while......cookies for my mission team members and cookies for the Ukrainians we will meet on our trip. :-)

Here's a pic of our mission team t-shirt/logo and the cookies I made to match.

Here's a few pics of the colorful flowers I made for Ukrainians. I went a little crazie taking's hard to resist when there are lots of colors and lots of cookies to work with. ;-) I made 60+ flower cookies.

Flower cookies with a logo cookie.....

All of them together......

So this is it......time for me to put my decorating bags and tips away and pack a bag for the Ukraine. I can hardly wait to see what God has in store during this mission trip!

If you want to keep up with my trip experiences, I plan to post regular updates on my other blog: Crazie Commitment.

See ya later, alligator. :-)
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