2016 Ukraine Trip — Blog — CookieCrazie

2016 Ukraine Trip

Smiley Face Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

For the 2016 Ukraine trip, I made and took smiley face cookies and button cookies to share with everyone I encountered.
The smiley design is super easy using these tools from Autumn Carpenter's collection of fondant tools.

Outline and flood the cookie with glaze.
Allow it to dry for about 3-4 hours.

Press the arc of your choice into the partially dried glaze to form a smile.

Use the eye tool of choice to make two eye impressions.

So simple.....and fun!


Simple Button Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Every year when I go to Ukraine, I take tons of small cookies to share with everyone I encounter.
It is always fun to try to think of a simple design that will be easy to replicate 150-200 times, travel well without breakage, and yet bring a smile to each face.
This year I chose simple round cookies with either a button design or a smiley face.
Each of them ended up being very simple to make.....and I had a blast creating a whole rainbow of fun colors.

For the button cookies, I used this  Button Hole Cutter.
It made the whole process super simple and created an authentic looking button.

Outline and flood the round cookie.
Allow the cookie to dry for 3-4 hours.
Use a round cutter to create a circle cut just inside the original outline.
Then impress the middle of the cookie with the button holer.

Waa laa......a button cookie. :)


2016 Ukraine Trip Update: Cookies Make Dreams Come True

We're all smiles around here......

Just this past week I returned from my 9th visit to Lviv/Boryslav, Ukraine.

Each year we take tons of supplies and gifts.....and we embark on an adventure like no other.

We take the time to stop and love on each Ukrainian we meet.

It is a joy beyond anything I can describe.

Even though the trip is somewhat grueling.....it is worth every hassle and inconvenience.

It's interesting how we pour ourselves out into all of those we meet,

and they pour themselves into us and overwhelm us with love and blessing.

As I've heard it often before, we get more out of it than they do.

If you are unfamiliar with my outreach to Ukraine, you can read about it here.

All the proceeds coming from this blog and my decorating classes go toward this annual trip and all the ministry we do while we are in Ukraine.

We go for the expressed purpose of bringing glory to God and proclaiming who He is.

We have many opportunities to meet the physical needs of those in Ukraine.

And then we have the privilege of being instruments to meet spiritual needs, as well.

Since cookies are such a big part of my ministry,

 I always take a bunch of small cookies with me to share while I'm visiting in Ukraine.

This year I made colorful smiley cookies (photo at top of page) and button cookies (below).

 Dave (my church's Minister of Missions) and I took off for Ukraine on Wed, August 10.

We arrived in Lviv, Ukraine the next day.

After a few days of rest and then prep work, we participated in the annual women's camp.

This year marked the 5th anniversary of the camp's initiation.

There were 86+ women who attended.

They had the chance to break out of their normal work routine and enjoy some down time.

The schedule included Bible Study, crafts, informative classes, spa and massage, and just hanging out with old and new friends in a beautiful environment.

They even got to shop!

The workers created a "bazaar" using tons of donated items we had shipped to them.

The prices were very affordable for the ladies.....

and all the money raised from the bazaar will go toward the ministries throughout the year.

 I was able to ship lots of cookie decorating supplies for them to purchase.

It's exciting to see the art of our craft being passed on to them. :)

The ladies were offered classes on coffee and tea presentation.

One of the crafts was to use finger nail polish to paint a design onto a mug.

Look at how beautiful they turned out!

Once we returned back from the women's camp, we began visiting senior adults in their homes.

It is such a pleasure to bring a smile, some gifts (including cookies of course!), and our love to many who are in their last years of life.....and they often feel forgotten.

They tell us that they've been waiting for us...... and when we leave, they tell us they will wait for our return. ❤️

We also had the opportunity to share meals with some of our good friends and partners in Ukraine.

We were served LOTS of food......including cookies!

Look at these cookies made to look like mushrooms. :)

We were given lots of gifts.....big and small.

One sweet friend even gave me some Ukrainian cookie cutters!!

On our final day, we were able to explore the beautiful city of Lviv and have some fun time with

our very good friend (and exceptional translator) Nadia.

What a blessing!

Thanks so much for all your support here on the CookieCrazie blog.

It is because of you and your interest in my cookie designs and tutorials that

I'm able to go to Ukraine to share some love and joy with them.

I'm grateful.....

2016 Ukraine Mission Trip

2016 Ukraine Trip Update: Cookies Make Dreams Come True

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