guest post — Blog — CookieCrazie

guest post

Happy Birthday from SweetSugarBelle :)

A very dear friend helped me come up with this
whole idea of birthday week for CookieCrazie.
We were planning some other things for our blogs when I realized
that my blog birthday was coming up.

What fun it has been to pull together lots of
different things to celebrate the event.

But you's not really about the blog.....
as much as it is about the people & relationships
surrounding the cookie community.
I've met many.....
and feel like I'm meeting at least one new one every day.

One of my bestie cookie friends is sweet Callye.

She agreed to help me celebrate by writing a guest post
for CookieCrazie's special day.

No need for introduction.....
I'll hand this post over to dear SweetSugarBelle. :)


Today is a very big day for my friend Pam. 
 I “met” Pam three years ago when
 Now, four years later I am excited to help her
celebrate the birthday of her blog, Cookie Crazie.

As I mentioned before, I have known Pam since
almost the beginning of my cookie adventure.
She was one of the first cookiers to seek me out,
encourage me, and become a friend.

Just a few years later,
it's really mind-blowing to me that a simple
Flickr comment has turned into a lifelong friend. 

Anyway, today I'm here to celebrate
CookieCrazie's birthday the best way I know how.

In honor of this special day
I'm going to show you how to make
number cookies with birthday hats.
These can be adapted to any number you like,
but today, of course,
I am making the number four!

To make these cookies you will need:
·      White piping and flood icing
·         Pink piping and flood icing
·         Stiff orange piping and flood icing
·         Yellow flood icing
To create this cookie I connected a star point to a “4”.

Begin by outlining the cookie as shown below.
 I used a marker to pre-mark the center of the cookie as a guide.

Next fill the “4” with pink flood icing.
 Let the cookie dry for an hour or two before moving on.

 Next, fill the “hat” and add flowers using the wet on wet technique.
 Since the flower detail is a bit small,
I used bottles like THESE fitted with a #1.5 PME tip.

At this point let the cookie dry for three to four hours.
To finish up, use a #233 tip to add a fringe and top to the party hat.

Let dry and you have a cute custom cookie everyone will love.

I would love to wish Cookie Crazie a very happy fourth birthday!
I cannot wait to see what the next year brings!


Oh Sweet Sugar Belle.....
You DO know how to celebrate Cookie Style....

You can see lots more of SSB wonderful-ness

Thank you so much for sharing
festive birthday number cookies with us, Callye.
I LOVE the orange & pink
and those FRINGES!
(That's not something you can do easily with glaze.)

And thanks for the birthday wishes......
from you and SO MANY 
CookieCrazie fans.
I'm lovin' all the comments, everyone.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart...

I am a VERY BLESSED person.

Don't forget to participate in the

And get ready.......
tomorrow is the BIG DAY.

See you at the party!!!!!!

Meet Jill of Sweet Art Factory

I'm pleased to introduce you to my friend, Jill. We meet a couple of years ago when Jill inquired about my Cookies With A Mission ministry. She has been a generous supporter of CWAM and we've become fast friends with lots of things in common. I'm excited to share Jill and her wonderful online decorating shop, Sweet Art Factory, with you.

Where did your love for cookie decorating begin and do you still love to decorate cookies now that you have a full time cookie decorating business?
I started as a cake decorator. I was trained under an amazing decorator, Starr Kinsey, in Los Angeles. I never had a passion for decorating cookies until I started I started carrying cookie cutters in my store and started seeing the obsession of cookie decorating and what an art form it is. This is when I got hooked. I wish I had more time to decorate cookies and would love to do it more. My inspirations come from people like Pam and others who are far better and more talented than I. Their attention to detail is amazing!

Tell us how Sweet Art Factory came about.
I developed a cake decorating technique, called “The Write Way” to decorating. I have book called “Creative Cakes Anyone Can Make” that has sold all over the world. In 1997 I started a website, to connect people with new ideas for decorating. I had many people ask me where to find decorating products. At that same time, I was ending a 16 year marriage and needed to find another income stream to support me and my two boys. That is how came about. It started as a way to provide people with hard to find decorating tools and help my family at the same time. It has been a blessing to learn the online business along with serving fantastic customers. 


Among the products you offer, what are your favorites? Which do you use the most in your own kitchen?
My favorite products are the 100’s of cookie cutters we have. Every time I find a new cookie cutter to sell on the site, it is like Christmas when I get them in the mail. I open the box and can’t wait to take the photos and put them on the site. I also LOVE the disposable decorating bags and variety of color gels. 


What if a decorator wants an item that you don't carry? Are you willing to try to carry things on demand?
Most of my business growth is due to customers asking me to carry new products. I am always willing to meet the needs of the home decorator and baker.

What piece of advice would you give a beginning decorator?
Start out with something easy so you feel successful. I know people that see something in a book or website and say, “I can do that”, only to realize how difficult it is. A lot of the designs in my gallery are intended for the novice decorator. I encourage them to have patience and enjoy it. Our motto at is “Be Inspired, Get Creative, Have FUN!”

What is the most challenging part of running Sweet Art Factory?
Since I am a single mom, I work three jobs to sustain our family. I am a Director of a Christian preschool with 10 staff and 98 children. Then I own and operate and teach decorating classes at our local recreation center. So, it is the juggling of my jobs and being a mom of two active teenage boys that make it challenging. I love ALL that I do, but it gets crazy at times.

So how do you make it all for your family, run an online cookie decorating business, AND work full time at your other business?!
It starts every morning at 5:30 a.m.,- time with God. I make a hot cup of coffee, read my devotions and the Bible and then pray until 6:30 a.m. This one hour sustains me for the entire day. I also have learned to sacrifice other things for the greater purposes God has for me. My boys know they come first and when they are up and grown, I will be able to look at more opportunities. My goal right now is to grow to work at it full-time. 


What is your favorite thing to do to “get away from it all”?
I LOVE to walk. I walk every night, usually with one or both my kids (and dog Reggie!). My favorite place to go is La Jolla Cove in San Diego. I also love to travel. Decorating cakes and cookies is also my therapy. 


What is the most gratifying part of operating Sweet Art Factory?
The people I have met and doing what I love! It is also a joy to give a portion of my profits to two mission fields that I am passionate about. I support five girls in nursing school with an organization called “Restored Heritage” in Cebu, Philippines. I also support the Mallawong family in Hin Hua, Thailand. I have had the opportunity to go and work in the orphanages. It makes my heart bubble over knowing that my small business is helping people across the world.

Are there any future plans for Sweet Art Factory?
My plan is to be one of the top baking supply companies dedicated to the home baker and decorator. Every day I learn something new is this business and it inspires me to keep moving forward. One thing about the people who decorate cakes, cupcakes, cookies and candy – they are the SWEETEST people you will ever meet!

If you have never ordered from, when you place your first order, type SweetTweet in the voucher line on the shopping cart and receive 25% off your product order.
OK all you shoppers out's your chance.....25% OFF....YIPPEE!

Thanks Jill for sharing about you and Sweet Art Factory. What a blessing to have you in my life!

Meet Karen of Karen's Cookies

I love sharing about other cookie decorators because even though we all have an obvious common link via cookies, we are all very unique.....and it is so interesting to hear about another cookier's life. 

Karen of Karen's Cookies is no stranger to most cookie decorators. Since she and her husband operate an online cookie decorating supply shop, most are very familiar with her wonderful website that not only sells products, but shares lots of tutorials, tips, ideas, and so much more!

Karen's website is a favorite place for me to go online. It is one of those sites where I feel very comfortable. I think it is because Karen & Mike have become my friends. They are more than salespeople trying to make money. They are cookie friends that truly want to help and inspire others to decorate cookies. They bend over backwards to help in any way they can. 

Meet my friend, Karen.......

Karen and I began our friendship back in May of 2009. (Wow, Karen, it's been almost two years ago!) She contacted me and asked if I'd like to do a blog give-away on my site, and of course, I said yes. :) And after that, we have maintained our friendship and written back and forth as time allows. We have kindred spirits........we both have several children and lots more in common......mainly the love of decorating cookies. Karen and Mike have such generous hearts. We've since done another blog give-away here on this blog. When lots of decorators came together and inquired about have a forum for cookies, Mike & Karen stepped in and create an awesome place to meet other cookiers and find out just about anything you'd want to know about cookie decorating. (If you aren't familiar with it, check out CookiersRUs.) Last March when I went to Ukraine and wanted to take decorating supplies to a cake decorator in Ukraine who wanted to learn cookie decorating, without any hesitation, Karen generously offered the items I needed. And when we had our first annual Cookie Camp in September 2010, Karen's Cookies was one of our biggest sponsors. :))))))))

Karen answered my ten guest blog questions and I think you will learn much about this amazing woman through her answers. 


Hearts and Flowers 2
Where did your love for cookie decorating begin and do you still love to decorate cookies now that you have a full time cookie decorating business?

We always decorated Christmas cookies as a family for as far back as I can remember, but my first “solo” cookie experience was when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I made some Easter bunny and egg cookies all by myself. I wish I had a picture of them! Then a few years later, I got the idea to do some cookies, but I didn't have a cookie cutter that matched, so I made a template out of paper and cut around it. Looking back, I guess that was pretty good problem-solving for a 12-year old before the internet! But I remember at that time being so excited that cookie designs were literally endless and only limited by imagination. I've been hooked ever since! I do still love it, but I don't do it EVERY day, so that might help keep the love alive.

Jungle Pals 5

Tell us how Karen's Cookies came about.

I worked as a professional decorator (cookies and wedding cakes) for several years before I had kids. When I had my first baby almost 11 years ago, I was kind of bored and missing the decorating, but I wanted to stay home with the baby. Mike was a web developer at the time, so I asked him if he could make me a cookie decorating web page where I could put up my ideas and pictures of my cookies, along with some instruction. I developed a little following, and I was getting lots of emails from people asking where I get my supplies, so I figured I might as well sell them myself. So in 2007 Mike redesigned the site, and we put about 50 products up for sale. It grew steadily until we finally had to move it out of the house in January of 2010. Now we have over 1000 products, and Mike and I both work on it full time.

Among the products you offer, what are your favorites? Which do you use the most in your own kitchen?

I love the Americolor food coloring and the Adjustable Rolling pin, and I also love the boo-boo sticks and the disposable bags. If I could only have a handful of products to decorate with, those are what I would take. My recent loves are disco dust and the silver and gold luster dust. I have lots of fun with those!


I already know the answer to this.....but I'll ask it for the readers. What if a decorator wants an item that you don't carry? Are you willing to try to carry things on demand?

I am always willing to add items that people are looking for. I find it amazing that after decorating cookies for most of my life, I STILL discover new products and new ways of doing things that I never knew existed! I discover most of those through emails from people asking why I don't carry Product A or Product B. Some of our best products have come that way.


What piece of advice would you give a beginning decorator?

Don't give up after your first try! I sometimes get emails from people who are frustrated because they followed all the instructions and their cookies don't look like mine. I always explain that my first cookies were pretty rough (I do wish I had a picture!). It takes practice and patience, and you learn the most from the mistakes. Keep trying, and have fun with it. If you're not having fun, it's not worth it!


What is the most challenging part of running Karen's Cookies?

The most challenging part is balancing my “regular life” with my “cookie life”. We were home based for 3 years, and it was really hard to separate the two. Now that we're in a warehouse space, it's easier, but still a challenge. I find myself waking up in the middle of the night worrying about packages getting to customers on time, or worrying about when we'll get popular items back in stock. But I'm getting better at letting that stuff go when I'm at home. As with all things in life-- it's a process!


So how do you do it for a husband and four children, run an online cookie decorating business, make beautiful cookies, create how-to videos, and now write a blog?!

I don't do it all!! I definitely let things slide-- a lot! I have to, or I'll go crazy. I'm really lucky because Mike and I work very well together. We enjoy being together, whether we're working or not. We go on lots of “dates” to the shop and work late into the evening, and we laugh a lot and have fun with it. I think the secret is to try to keep it fun, even if it's “work”. Sometimes we bring the kids along and we pay them to do things like break down boxes and put cookie cutter shipments away. It's definitely a family affair. We have great support from our family and friends. Sometimes my friends or mother-in-law will take my 3-year-old so I can decorate cookies uninterrupted while the kids are in school. I have lots and lots of help.


What is your favorite thing to do to “get away from it all”?

Mike and I love board games, so we play those a lot. In the summer we love to go camping as a family. It's hard to get away for long periods because it's just Mike and I who run the shop, and people need their orders year 'round, but we'll drive up to a campground after orders are shipped one day, and then come back in time to ship orders the next day. We're all about the mini-vacations! :D 


What is the most gratifying part of operating Karen's Cookies?

Without a doubt, the best part is getting emails from people who say things like “I never thought I could do this, but you showed me how and I'm doing it!” I recently read an email from a lady who said that she found my site during a very dark time in her life and was able to do “cookie therapy” to get through it. Those are the things that make the everyday grind worth it. The original web site was all about teaching and sharing, and that's still the heart and soul of what we do.

Are there any future plans for Karen's Cookies?

We just want to keep growing and get better and better. We always have goals for more content, more tutorials, more videos. We hope to just keep adding, and keep people decorating cookies! 


What a fun interview. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Karen better. And if you haven't checked out Karen's Cookie Blog, do it! Ever post has me copying down a new recipe or sparking an idea of a cookie I want to try. Plus, she is always offering a give-away. Don't miss it! 

All photos above are the property of  and were used by permission. 

Meet Haniela!

I'd like to introduce you to a special friend and fellow blogger, Haniela. 

Hani decorates cookies......but does so much more. She bakes all kinds of yummy desserts.....and cooks incredible dishes too. And her photography is out of this world! I love to look at her blog. She always brings a smile to my face.

Here's the answers that Hani gave for the ten questions I asked her. 

One of my favorite parts of our relationship, Hani, is that you are from Eastern Europe and I have a deep love for Ukraine and it's people which are very close to your homeland. Please tell us about where you are from and how you ended up in the USA. 

I grew and was raised in Czechoslovakia, which later in 1993 split into Slovakia and Czech Republic, I'm from Slovakia. I always loved to travel and one day I just decided to explore more; a decade later here I am. I have never flown before, never been to a large airport and still I planned my first flight to be on Friday 13th. Makes me smile now.

How long have you been blogging and what got you started? 
I started blogging regularly in March 2010, I was playing with the idea for a while and I finally decided to go ahead and try it. It is an addictive hobby, but I really like the idea of having my own place to share. 
Have you always loved to bake and create things? Where do you think your love for it started? 
This question takes me back in time when I was maybe 4-5 years or older, into my grandmother's kitchen, and her beautiful garden - we used to make flower cakes, using thick soap foam and flower petals from her garden, we hand picked flower petals and created these soapy cakes. My cousins and I, we spent summers together at my grandmother's; my grandmother would let us "help" her when she was baking, or making home made noodles. She taught me how to knit, crochet, I did cross-stitch a lot. When I was a teenager I got into wood carving, something that I got from my father and I also accessorized my clothes in different ways, I made fabric "jewelry", played with plaster, modeling clay, I absolutely loved to work with paper. As a High School senior I had my own exhibit of artsy things I made.
I always loved to bake, I learned a lot from my mom too, we used to bake Christmas cookies together, but strangely, now that I think of it I'd never really decorated cookies before I came to US, I think it was an issue of Martha Stewart magazine that had some pretty decorated cookies on the cover and I wanted to make something like that.
Later when I gave some cookies to my friend, she told they didn't eat them because they were too pretty to eat so she preserved them by using lacquer finish.
One day I’d love to try my hand in making pottery.
Of all the things you bake, cook, create.....what is your favorite medium? 

Taking pictures of sweets and working with royal icing, but generally I like anything creative,

Hani, you take some of the most beautiful photographs that I have ever seen! Please give us amateur photographers a few basic pointers to help us take better pictures. 

Thank you for your compliment, it is very kind of you to say so.I still have lots to learn. I'd say really important is to understand your camera's features, what it is capable of, general rules of photography apply to food photography as well. If using point and shoot, use macro setting, that is usually a flower symbol.
Food looks best under daylight, usually mid day, around noon time, find a spot in your home that receives adequate amount of diffused light. Position your table by that window ,use bouncers and fillers, like simple white foam board and silver board, both can significantly improve your pictures. Practice and take a lot of pictures, try different angles, play with aperture, study photos in the magazines and online.
I, find myself looking at magazine shots all the time, it is a great inspiration.
Most of all have fun when taking pictures.
If you have to use artificial light, try to use bulbs that are 5500K, those will most likely produce light that is similar to daylight. I'd recommend finding what works best for you, some use light tents some don't.
For more on the subject you can also visit my blog for more detailed tutorial

I've noticed that you are a are always making and giving things to others. What has been a highlight in 2010 of the giving of your talents?

Thank you Pam, you are right, I do very much enjoy giving things, gifts to others.
This year I really enjoyed my sweet donation to a local Charity, I donated decorated cookies and cupcakes(about 300 all together) to their evening charity event – WINE IN WINTER 2010, which I also attended, Charity supports families with sick children and it was a great satisfaction to learn that I helped raised $40,000.

Is it true that you use sandwich baggies with a hole cut off the corner to do your piping work? How often do you use this technique....and how in the world do get such control and beautiful results with it?!

Yes it is true, I use a sandwich bag with a tiny hole, I started using this technique in December 2009, actually my mom got me started, as she met few Honey Cookie Artists there,in Slovakia and they all told her that they use plastic/sandwich bags to pipe their delicate designs on cookies, so I thought, okay I'll give it a try, I haven't used anything else since. I'm considering going back part-time to a piping bag with regular tip, especially when doing outlining and flooding.
With sandwich bag I'm able to get really close to the cookie and I feel I have a better control compare to regular piping bag with a tip.I really like fine lines and I find it hard to created those with piping tips, I tried 00 PME, but it just didn't work for me as well as I thought it would.

What is your favorite way to relax? 
Hiking, being outdoors taking photos and reading a good book
A questions you asked me.....I want to ask you. What three utensils can you not live without in your kitchen? 
Potato peeler – I peel things a lot, try 40 pounds of butternut squash last fall, good peeler is hard to find and I love mine
My Skinny Tongs from Ikea 
Kitchen Aid mixer
What is one major thing you'd like to accomplish with your hobby in 2011?

I'd like to improve in my photography, would love to try new things in this field and as for decorated cookies I would like to try more complex designs in 3D.

Thanks Hani for sharing about you, your treats, and your photography. I it is a joy to call you a friend and learn so much from you.

Note : All the photographs  above are  the property of Haniela's
Please Do not Reproduce in anyway without owner's permission.
Thank you.


Lots more coming this week. I've still got lots of winter cookies to show you.....more how-tos and a give-away coming soon.

Meet SweetSugarBelle..........Sweet Friend & Fave Decorator

My good friend, Callye (AKA SweetSugarBelle), and I are swapping guest posts today. We've each asked each other ten questions in hopes of sharing with our readers a peek into another decorator's life.

Callye and I met on Flickr almost two years ago when she happened on the cookie decorating scene. Wow.....immediately I was impressed. But over these last two years she has developed into a cookier DYNAMO that blows me away every time I see her newest creation. I have a few years of "experience time" on Callye.....but she has far surpassed me in ability and expertise. I'm so thrilled and honored to feature her as my first guest post on this blog. :)

So let me introduce you to SweetSugarBelle.

Here's her blog home page. Click on it if you'd like to go to her blog.


In my opinion......
this photo represents Callye's classic designs. Love them!

Loise Close-up 2

Why is your name SweetSugarBelle?
I chose this name after a LOT of thought.  I tried to come up with an anonymous name for my blog, and came up blank…until one day, I was watching a rerun of Designing Women…that got me to Sugarbakers, which is much too common, so I dropped the bakers, and added Belle, which is my baby girl’s name, and I became SweetSugarBelle…However, if you ask Belle, she is SugarBelle…

Little Critters Birthday Set

What drew you into such a interesting hobby?
I always loved those magazines with beautiful cookies.  Two years ago Christmas, I finally had the time to try it.  I loved it so much, I wanted to make cookies every day.  Not long after that, my Nanny passed away =(  I had a really hard time with it, so I used my new found hobby to keep my mind off of how much I missed her.

Aydan Platter

You've really not been at this a very long time.....and yet you have developed into one of my all-time favorite decorators. Seriously, I really believe that some day we are going to hear about SweetSugarBelle on a national (maybe international!) level. To what do you attribute your amazingly rapid development in cookie decorating?
PRACTICE!  Lots of it!  When I find something that interests me, I will learn everything I can about it, until I master it.  (Or at least that’s what my dad says when I try to tell him I CAN’T do something.)  Cookies were something I wanted to do, so I tried to do them the best I could.

My Specialty

I've heard you can crank out cookies in amazing proportions in very short amounts of time. To me, the most amazing part of this is that you are a mom of three young children. How do you do it? 
 Well, there really are a lot of things that play into it, but the number one reason is that I have an amazing husband.  I would like to claim the super mom title, but the truth is, he does a lot of laundry, helps with the kids, never complains on sandwich night, cleans (he’s says it’s relaxing) and he even bakes which is so much fun for me.  As long as ESPN is on, which he can see from the mixer, he will do just about anything I ask, LOL!

Big Blue Whales Close-Up

Your cookie shapes and designs are often very unique compared to everyone else's. Please tell some of your sources for inspiration and how do you make such unique shapes?  
Much to super husband's dismay, most of my inspiration comes from…SHOPPING!!!  When I go shopping, I am bombarded with images and ideas that could be cookies.  I call it cookie think.  Its' something all of us cookie-makers end up with.  Most people see the world as it is.  We see it in cookies.
If I do draw a blank, however, I play a game with my mom and Jenni, I basically email or text them the topic, and we make lists of things that remind us of that particular theme.  The best ideas come from this.  Like they say, three heads are better than one =)

NOTE from Pam: Glory of Glorious Treats has featured a tutorial from Callye Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE that shows how Callye makes unique shapes from ordinary cutters. And Callye has done another tutorial HERE on her own blog. When I saw these, it totally opened my mind up to a whole new world! Now I can create almost any shape by using the cookie cutters I already have. Awesome.
Carmen Birthday Platter

Of all the cookies you've made, which ones are your most favorite and why?
Whew, that’s a hard one.  It changes from week to week.  Lately it’s the country-ish Christmas cookies that say Joy, Hope, and Noel.

Joy, Hope, Noel

My all time favorite, probably my special Valentine Collection.
Sugarbelle's Special Valentine Collection

I often make cookies by request, so making the ones I have in my mind is usually much more meaningful to me.

If you had one piece of advice to give a beginning decorator what would it be?
Read and practice.  Everything you need to know can be found on the Internet, you just have to look a little.  Also, don’t expect perfection overnight.  I have made thousands of cookies to get where I am at (I sounded like my Nanny, LOL!)

Christmas Cookies Galore

Please share any tips, tricks or favorite gadgets with us.   
So for gadgets I have a list.  The first ones that come to mind are my bottles with couplers, and my little purple Wilton bag ties…I have a SO many, it’s hard to list them all…I am planning on putting together a SweetSugarBelle Ultimate decorating kit in the next month or so to give away on my blog.



Of all the things that have come about because you decorate cookies, what one thing blesses you the most
I LOVE making cookies for kids.  It always makes me laugh when kids I have made cookies for see me somewhere.  They think I am the coolest girl in the world.  They talk to me and want to see what I am doing because I made them feel very special on their special day.  That has to be the best.  But I even feel that way with adults.  Oh yes, and I cannot forget to mention, I have made some of the most amazing, talented, smart, and giving friends through my cookie adventures. You girls keep my brain in high-gear!  Even if something happened tomorrow, and I could never decorate another cookie, the friendships I have made were worth every moment!  I am truly blessed in that department.

Paisley Collection

What is your dream for the future as a cookie decorator?
I hesitate to say this, because it’s a lofty dream, but I really would like to write a book.  I probably own every book available on cookie decorating, and they basically sit in a closet.  I would flip through them, not find a good compilation of what I needed to know, think, "What pretty pictures", and put it up.  It usually wasn't a book I could USE.  I would like to change that if I can.

My Fair Entry 


There you have it......a peek into SweetSugarBelle's cookie world and lots of her amazing cookie photos on display. 

Thanks Callye for letting me pick your brain a bit. You are dear to my heart and I think you ROCK!

Okay everyone.........head over to Callye's The Sweet Adventures of SugarBelle blog for a look at more of her phenomenal work. And while you're there.....check out the guest blog post she did on CookieCrazie today. =)

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