Simply Christmas Cookie — Blog — CookieCrazie

Simply Christmas Cookie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 14, 2012


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

There was lots of Christmas prep done this week.
I'm about 98% done with Christmas shopping. 
Now I just need to wrap.
And I've still got to make the meal plans for both Christmas and wedding weekends.
But I'm feeling like things are falling into place.

I made some SUPER fun cookies this session today.
Next week is wedding cookies.....200 of them.
They will be both simple and small. 
My goal is to get them baked on Sunday and finished decorating by Tuesday/Wednesday.
We are leaving for out of town on Saturday as soon as I get off work......
so I've got to get them done early enough to be able to bag and seal them before we leave.

Isn't it funny how our lives revolve around the cookies? haha

My son, Keith, just arrived home from college last night.
It is so wonderful to have him home!
Things are going to start getting crazy now......
all three of my college students have finished up their semesters.....
Christmas celebrating starts next weekend for us.
And then.......the wedding week.
We'll have at least 14 people staying here. 
It should be interesting.......but I'm SO looking forward to all of it.
I can always crash once everyone is gone, right? ;)

Instagram photos for this week:

Fun day shopping with Allison on Main Street in St Charles. :)
The sparkly ones are my favorites. :)

BRP Ornament Box

It was a happy morning. I LOVE these two stores. :)

A favorite boy of mine has a birthday fast approaching.
Time to make Double Chocolate Chip cookies.....his favorite. :)

 How does this happen? My cookie cutter collection keeps multiplying so that I need more storage. Hmmmm....Me thinks there's something fishy going on here. ;)

Latest construction project. :)


Last week's chatter....

Simply Christmas Cookies: Christmas Stocking (Tutorial)

To make a Christmas stocking cookie you will need

Outline & flood the bottom of the stocking in red glaze.
Allow the red to dry overnight (to prevent bleeding and also, to facilitate sanding sugar placement).

Outline and flood the top part of stocking in white glaze.

While it is still wet, sprinkle it with white sanding sugar.
Allow it to sit for a minute or so, then shake off the excess and allow to dry overnight.

Once they are dry, you can add small stitching to the toe and heel with
white gel and a fine paint brush, if you'd like.

Simply Christmas Cookies: Gingerbread Boy (Tutorial)

To make gingerbread boy cookies you will need:
Outline and flood the entire cookie with tan glaze.
Allow to dry for an hour or more before adding details.

Add a dot of tan glaze for the nose and then the swirly white lines on the forehead, arms and legs.

Add white dots for eyes, a white smile, and buttons down the front.
Be sure to use the heat gun to prevent cave-ins.
 After the eyes have dried overnight, you can add black dots with a food color marker.

Simply Christmas Cookies

Simply Christmas Cookies: Shabby Chic Christmas Tree (Tutorial)

To make this shabby chic Christmas tree you will need:

  • Christmas Tree-shaped Cookie ** (I used this cutter)
  • Pastel green 10-Second Glaze
  • Pastel pink 10-Second Glaze
  • Pastel blue 10-Second Glaze
  • White 10-Second Glaze
  • Paintbrush
 ** For this tutorial, I used this gingerbread cookie recipe.

Outline and flood the bottom of tree with pastel green glaze.
 Use a paint brush to thin out the icing at the top portion
(so you can add a new layer on top with out too many ripples).

After the first layer has dried at least 30 minutes, add another outline and flood
for the next section using the same technique.
Continue all the way up the tree, with dry time in between until you reach the top layer.
 After you allow the top layer to dry for 30 minutes,
add some small pastel blue, pink & white dots all over the tree using a #2 tip.

And there you have it.....a beautiful, simple shabby chic Christmas tree. :)

Simply Christmas Cookies

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