Simply Christmas Cookies: Shabby Chic Christmas Tree (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Simply Christmas Cookies: Shabby Chic Christmas Tree (Tutorial)

To make this shabby chic Christmas tree you will need:

  • Christmas Tree-shaped Cookie ** (I used this cutter)
  • Pastel green 10-Second Glaze
  • Pastel pink 10-Second Glaze
  • Pastel blue 10-Second Glaze
  • White 10-Second Glaze
  • Paintbrush
 ** For this tutorial, I used this gingerbread cookie recipe.

Outline and flood the bottom of tree with pastel green glaze.
 Use a paint brush to thin out the icing at the top portion
(so you can add a new layer on top with out too many ripples).

After the first layer has dried at least 30 minutes, add another outline and flood
for the next section using the same technique.
Continue all the way up the tree, with dry time in between until you reach the top layer.
 After you allow the top layer to dry for 30 minutes,
add some small pastel blue, pink & white dots all over the tree using a #2 tip.

And there you have it.....a beautiful, simple shabby chic Christmas tree. :)

Simply Christmas Cookies

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