Neil — Blog — CookieCrazie


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 22, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Another crazie week......but an awesome week. :)
I buzzed right through the honey bee cookies.....and had a blast.

The veggie tray cookies were a huge hit at the open house last Friday.
All the cookies were eaten by the end of the event.
I'm so glad everyone enjoyed them.
And we had a great open house to celebrate the practice.

I'm going to work on cherry cookies this!
I've never done a specific cherry theme and I'm looking forward to it.

This is a busy time of year.....a bunch of things are coming up in our family.
Probably the biggest is my husband's 60th birthday!
(P.S. I was a child bride.....haha)
The kids and I are planning a small celebration for him.
It should be fun.

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring and all it has to offer.
I'm lovin' the sunshine AND the rain.....and enjoying all the blessings God has given me.


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

I'm taking this gluten and grain-free cookie "veggie tray" to a wellness center open house today.
Hopefully it won't be offensive to offer cookies to the patients. ;)

I've got Mom in mind this week....

Whipped up some cookies for a friend's birthday yesterday.....a nice surprise.
I love to give gifts to others.

Have a H-A-P-P-Y day!

Sunday BBQ?

 Things have been buzzin' around here.....

Time for tea?

Oh the pinkness....

I can't get a picnic out of my mind....

Spring woodland cookies from last year..... #tbt #throwback

First time using my brand new beautiful CookieBoard 
from James Spradley at CornerstoneCabinets on Etsy.
I love it!!


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

First College Graduation.....Celebrated with Cookies, Of Course!

The excitement begins!
Tomorrow my son, Neil, graduates.
He is our first of five young adult children to graduate from college.
To say we're a little proud is an understatement! 

The best way I know to express my love and pride is to
decorate a special set of cookies JUST for him.
So I did just that this week.

Here's a sneak peek of cookies
 to celebrate the weekend of festivities.
I'll share lots more details and tutorials in the coming weeks.

 For those of you who have been around this blog for a few years,
you might remember my son was in a horrible accident in Haiti.
Here's the blog posts I wrote about it:

As you can see.....he is now fully recovered from that
whole ordeal. :)

To God be the glory.....
great things He has done. :)

Last year, Neil had the incredible opportunity
to go to Africa for a full semester
and do what he loves most.......
photography and video production. 
...on a continent he has grown to love.

I wrote from my mom perspective about him leaving:

And then for his last birthday, 
I made him special cookies to
commemorate his wonderful experience.

And now....two years after a horror in our lives,
 Neil is alive, well, and graduating from college...
a dream of his.

As I'm writing this post,
I'm chuckling.....thinking how I've just chronicled
Neil's life and times through cookies.......
but then, what would you expect from his
CookieCrazie mom? =)

We're off to celebrate an amazing young man...

I love you Neil....
and am so glad that God gave me the
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