Quilt & Sewing Collection — CookieCrazie

Quilt & Sewing Collection

The entire quilt collection together.......

And the entire quilt & sewing collection all in one photo. 

I've been baking and decorating like a mad woman this week....and used my new camera on cookie pics yesterday for the first time. It's a dream! I'm so excited (and grateful!) to have such clear nice photos with such ease. 

Only six days left until Ukraine trip. Today I'm working on 120+ small cookies to take to the Ukrainian people. I've got flowers, lady bugs, butterflies, and tea pots. :)

I'll try to keep posting up to the time I leave......but no guarantees. I have to work (hospital) tomorrow (Sat) and Monday. That's why I had to get all the cookies done before the weekend. Once I finish work on Monday.....I only have two full days to finish packing and be ready to leave Thursday morning. Within those two days, my daughter leaves for a 9 week summer missions trip to Cleveland and my son comes home from a 4 1/2 month mission trip to Africa. Talk about a crazie house!!
But it's all good. So thankful. :)
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