Mom — Blog — CookieCrazie


Happy Mother's Day 2013!

It's that special day for Mom.

I hope that every mom out there knows how special she is......
and that each of her children shows her some love today.

Her children arise and call her blessed...
Proverbs 31:28

(click on photos to go to blog posts)

I'm honored to be mom to five AMAZING young adults.
I love you Jill, Neil, Kyle, Keith & Allison!

Flower Cookies for Mom

Cookie Sweetness for MOM

I forgot I did these "Mom" cookies a couple of weeks ago.
Last week was so full.....I think I went a little crazie. ;)

I'm working on a grain free sugar cookie recipe.....
so that is why these cookies have such a
different appearance.
(I'm still testing the recipe....
but hopefully I can post it soon.)

This plaque cutter can be found at Ecrandal's site.

For these cookies below,
I used Copper Gift's Fancy Square cutter.

I got the boxes from Karen's Cookies.
They are so fun to work with!

What's your favorite part of Mothers Day?
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