CookieCrazie Chatter...... Saturday, November 10, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Saturday, November 10, 2012



Just a memory now......
If you'd like to read my recap on the conference go to
CookieCon 2012: The Cookie Event of the Decade

And if you'd like to have the latest updates and information on a future CookieCon,
join the CookieCon Facebook page.

CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Last week at this time,
I was enjoying a wonderful awards banquet with 200+ cookie friends.
Since then, we've all said our goodbyes and gone home.
GREAT memories.
I'd love to go back this instant
(even with a ton of snow in Salt Lake City this week.....
and sunny warm weather during CookieCon. :))

But alas.....reality sets in.
Now I'm settled back at home and getting ready to
deck my house's halls for Christmas this next week......
and then Thanksgiving the following week. did it all come so fast?!

And I'm itching to make more cookies for Thanksgiving.....
and then I have a ton of ideas for CHRISTMAS COOKIES!
Yeah.....the most wonderful time of year for cookies. :)

Instagram photos for this week:


Glaze station. Such fun!!!!

CookieCon 2012 Presenters.....Julia Usher, me, Glory (Glorious Treats), Lisa (BearFootBaker), Liz(ArtyMcGoo), Ali (AliBee'sBakeShop), Callye (SweetSugarBelle),MaryAnn (CookieArtisan)

Beautiful view from hotel room in SLC. Gorgeous!

Cookie Heroes..... Karen & Mike Summers. :)

My two sweet UK cookie friends, Stephanie and Michelle. 

What a LOVELY (said with a British accent) sight to look at this morning when I'm missing all my CookieCon friends. :)

Back to my favorite hoodie and favorite

Do it! Take you treasured opportunity to make a difference. VOTE!!!!

Ummmm.....I never would have thought it would be so hard to put together a CookieCon blog post...but there's so many things I want to say, and so many pics I want to include. :) I'll keep plugging away. @thebakedequation ....I know you understand... 

CookieCon loot.....although some of this is an order from Karen's Cookies. And then I just used my Michael's 50% off coupon today. I won't show you what I bought least not yet. I don't want you to think I've gone completely CRAZIE. ;) 


Last week's chatter....

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