Cookie Joy — Blog — CookieCrazie

Cookie Joy

Cookie Joy: Sweet Graduation Bliss!

I always love to show photos of the recipients of CookieCrazie cookies.
I call it Cookie Joy.
It's the quintessential "worth it all" moment when someone receives 
something you've put your heart and soul into.....
not to mention many hours. :)

Morgan's mom ordered her graduation cookies.....
personalized just for Morgan.
She tells me that Morgan loves my cookies. 
This was the third time she ordered cookies.
Makes me happy to think that someone likes them so much.....
that they keep coming back for more.

Meet Morgan.....a beautiful young lady that just graduated from high school.
(And she happens to have great taste in cookies. ;))

 Beautiful Family......
Congratulations to you all!

Congratulations Morgan!
I'm so happy to have a small part in your celebration.

Cookie Joy: A Military Thank You

Remember these?

Last month I made this very special set of cookies 
for  a US Navy pilot who is stationed over in the Gulf
right now and fighting the war in Afganisthan.

You can read about it in these posts:

So I thought I'd share some Cookie Joy today. 
That's what I call the responses I get
from others when they receive cookies
made especially for them.
I love it!
It always manages to bring me joy as well. 
And I hope it will bring you joy too. :)'s notes from two of our US Navy's finest.....
with grateful hearts and courageous spirits.

The cookies mom ordered arrived today, all in great shape.
Not a single one was broken!
I couldn’t have packed them better.
I am going to share them with the rest of the pilots
in the squadron tomorrow morning when
I head into the ready room.
I especially like the Mizzou Tiger and VFA-151 Vigilante design!
The VFA-151 cookie detail is incredible!
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.
We are doing God’s work over here at the tip of the spear.
It’s the thoughts and prayers of loved ones back home that
keep us going through the daily grind of deployment.
Please thank all those who pray for us daily.
God Bless.

And then this week, I got this note.

Cookie Crazie Lady,
Thank you for sending the delicious cookies out here
to the USS Abraham Lincoln and VFA-151.
Jason Dalby was kind of enough to share all the Naval Aviation
and sports shaped cookies you sent.
I had the pleasure of eating some of them
while flying over Afghanistan which was definitely a treat.
Thank you again, your support is greatly appreciated.

Very respectfully,
LT Erik "Dook" Kenny
VFA-151 Training Officer

See what I mean about Cookie JOY?
What a delight to get notes from these men.

I remember the blood, sweat, & tears I had
while doing these complex cookies,
and it was certainly worth all of it
to bring joy to our soldiers fighting
for us on the other side of the world.

As I've said so many times before.....
I'm in awe of how God uses a simple little
sweet treat to do amazing things. :)

God bless America!

Cookie Decorating Bliss: Mission Accomplished!

Here's two moments of cookie decorating bliss.

All cleaned up after a hard day's work......

All packed up after a hard WEEK's work!

The decorating is the absolute best part......
but there's lots of "not so best" parts in-between. ;o) 

However that feeling of accomplishment that you got all the cookies 
decorated for the day.......

or you got that cookie order all packed up and ready to go......
there ain't nothing quite like it. :)

Happy Weekend!

Mimi Giraffes

A terrific client asked for "Mimi Giraffes" for her granddaughter's birthday. When she first asked, I started Googling "Mimi Giraffes" because I thought maybe it was another new fad theme for kids that I've missed..... like so many others. lol

But then my client shared this story. 

"My granddaughter received a giraffe blanket when she was born and has held on to it ever since.  For whatever reason she named the blanket Mimi.  Mimi has a lot of miles on her as well as some battle scars.  She was accidentally left outside one day and her dog decided he would love on it.  By the time her mom realized where Mimi was and went out to find her, she was missing a tiny bit of a corner.  Mimi has been with my granddaughter through thick and thin.  Even accompanied her to the O.R. when she had her tonsils removed.  To her..... every giraffe is not just a giraffe but a "Mimi giraffe".  This child is obsessed about Mimi Giraffes."

So I tried to make the cookies look like the cake that was being made for the event. Plus I wanted a nice sturdy cookie that didn't break easily in shipment, so I just make big ovals and created the shape on top. Worked out perfect.

May I present to you......the CookieCrazie version of Mimi Giraffes......

This just in......"A"'s photo with her real "Mimi Giraffe" and one of my cookies. Don't you just love it! And check out her matching skirt and jewelry. :))))))))

Makes me smile too. :)

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