CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 2, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 2, 2014

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Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

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CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Our Easter celebration was fabulous!
I love getting together with my kids.
They are so much fun. :)
We had lots of good food.....a fun egg hunt.....and great times together.

And then, back to reality.
Thankfully, my daily routine is pretty awesome.
Back to cookies on Monday.
This week I did purple, gold, and black random cookies.
Oh how I love that shimmmery gold next to the purple.

I'm heading out right now to look for a dress for the wedding.
It is chilly outside it is hard to think about getting something spring/summer-y.
My daughter (bride-to-be) and I are going to make a "day" of it....
It should be fun.

Next week I need to move on to summer cookies.
Wedding cookies are going to take over my life in just a couple of weeks......
so I need to get ahead.
I'm OCD like that. ;)


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!
I hope your day is filled with yummy things like pancakes.

I love the way the 3D flowers make the cookie "pop". :)

Last night's dinner celebration for Kyle's 24th.
Missing three of my dear ones.....but glad several of us got to be together. :)

Happy Monday! Here's my favorite of the breakfast set.
Mmmmm.... ♥

You can't hardly go wrong with one or two colors against black and white.
fThey look so happy together! 


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