New BRP Basket Boxes! — CookieCrazie

New BRP Basket Boxes!

Once again, I had the distinct privilege of working with BRP Box Shop
to create a special box for this most recent installment of CookieCon.

At the first CookieCon, we worked together to create the Lantern Favor Box.
I wrote about the limited edition holiday version HERE.
It was such a successful first attempt.....that we decided to try something new at CookieCon 2014.

I had suggested that a basket is a very versatile item for presenting cookies.
It seemed like it might be an impossible feat for a paper box product to work as a basket
to hold a bunch of cookies...........but those BRP people are AMAZING!
And not only did they create a perfect basket box, but they designed it in several colors.

AND.......their cake pop stand fits perfectly in the bottom of the basket.....
so if you want to put cookies on sticks, they can stand up in the basket. 

As you can imagine......I was over-the-moon when they sent me the boxes to "test".
I had such fun creating berries and flowers to put into their new box wonder.

And all the CookieCon 2014 participants had the privilege of receiving one at the event.

Thanks BRP Box Shop for listening to the cookie world and
allowing us to have AWESOME boxes to use to display our cookies.








Other Cookie Boxes offered by BRP Box Shop
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