CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 29, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 29, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

It's been a good week for me.
I'm extremely thankful for my life and all I get to do.
Sometimes I just need to stop and reflect and think about how much God has blessed me.
There's so much around us that's not good.....
and often the future looks so bleak that I want to run and hide.
But then I think about today and how amazing TODAY is.
And I know that God will be there....and guide me through whatever the future holds.

I got to work on a fun cookie project this week.
It originally was going to be a simple tutorial set.....haha.
It turned out to be a pretty large multifaceted set of cookies.
Nevertheless.....I had such fun decorating.....and can't wait to show you all the collections.

Next week I'll need to take a break from decorating to work hard on the
Bible study for the Ukraine women's retreat.
I was hoping there would be a pre-existing Bible study to match the theme picked.
But once again....I'm compiling it myself.
That wasn't the desire.....but it looks as though it is necessary.
So I need to hoard my time next week and pull together as much of the study as I can.
I leave for England and Ukraine in just two months.
The time is going to zip I really need to get prepared as quickly as possible.

I'm so excited about this trip.
Things are happening that I did not expect.
And I know that God is going to do amazing things, as always.

Thanks so much for being here.
Any of you that are still reading this post are my most loyal friends.
I realize that my "Chatter" just that.
But some how.....writing this personal post each week is therapeutic for me.
So thanks for sticking with me in my CRAZIE-ness.

Instagram photos for this week:

Haha..... Taking photos today. =)

Basket of flower cookies....

The snowiest day we've had in years.....maybe decades (we'll see....after it stops tomorrow).
Thunder is the strangest, yet coolest phenomenon.
I'm lovin' this lazy Sunday afternoon. :)

Another mason jar cookie.....

It's official. We got 13" of snow in the last 24 hours. I'm lovin it!
And they are predicting sunny and 61 for Easter Sunday.
It may be wet.....
but my young adult kids will still be able to have their beloved egg hunt outside. :)
 Colored dough flower cookies.....
I'm not sure I love them, but at least they are easy to decorate. ;)

 Fun multifaceted project.....first set started. This is going to be a great week. :)

Second set on their way....

 Construction day.... ;)

It's been a terrific week of decorating.
I'm so thankful I get to do something I love on a regular basis.
I'm incredibly blessed. :)


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