CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 22, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 22, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

I survived two weeks of working full time. 
Yeah! I'm so glad that I'm back to "normal".

It has been a fun cookie week.
And I've been able to catch up on lots of other things too.

Now my mind is gearing toward June.
I'll be in Ukraine for 3 weeks....
plus I get to go meet a cookie friend in UK for a mini-vacation.
Am I excited?........YES!!!! weekend.
Family will be here.
I'm looking forward to it. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Lambs with texture....

Patterned spring quartet...

 Patchwork bunny.....

Easter Cookies from last year.....

A wonderful first time visit to World Market with my Jill.
That could be a VERY dangerous store for me!!
But you would be proud of my self control.
I only bought those few items in the basket for $15.
It was tough to resist, though.... lol
 Back to baking..... and I'm excited about this project. Happy place..... :)

Jar of..........We'll see.
Sometimes the amazing idea in your head doesn't come out so well in cookie.
(I guess I'm preparing myself in case it doesn't work out. ;))

It's messy..... But it's working. :)

My jar of jelly beans is coming along. Today brings the final touches. :)

Mini mason jars too..... :)

At last....the lot next to ours shall have a house on it soon.
They started digging yesterday. Now there is a scary big hole right next to our driveway.
I dread the construction mayhem.....actually it has been going on for some time,
just not right next store....but at least there is now an end in sight. :)
 I wanted to make a flower bouquet....


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