CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 25, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 25, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Another productive Valentines cookie week.....Yeah!
This week I did a bunch of cookies in my favorite style.
I did lots of plaid and patterns.....made a few "quilted" cookies....
and generally just had a blast with dusty rose and turquoise glaze. :)

Our Ukraine plans are now on the calendar and it looks like I'm going to be gone most of June.
I'm going to stay an extra week in Ukraine this year to spend more time with my precious friend.
I'm so excited about all the opportunities that God is opening up.

My newly married son, Neil, and his wife, Becca, are coming home this weekend.
We're excited about spending time with them (relaxed time compared to the holidays/wedding time!)
and celebrating my oldest daughter's birthday.
Good times.....

Instagram photos for this week:

Expectations exceeded. :)

Simple, yet very Valentine-sy :)

Valentine chocolates..... cookie style :)

 Glaze roses!!

Generally my style is not elegant.....but I went outside my box for this one....

There is something so inherently beautiful about a heart cookie just simply decorated.
I love making cookies for Valentines Day. :)

Details, details. :)

Just a simple touch with glaze roses. I like it. :)

Lacy details. Isn't Valentines Day so fun? :)

Having a fun photo shoot with lots of great natural light. :)


Last CookieCrazie chatter....

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