winter woodland — Blog — CookieCrazie

winter woodland

Frosty Winter Decorated Cookie Collection

I love winter! 
I know that's not a popular preference, but nevertheless, it's mine.
And snowmen top my favorites list.
So every year, I try to do at least one set of cookies featuring snowmen and all things winter.
Now that Christmas is past, I look forward to snowy days snuggled up with some hot chocolate and a good book/movie.
Happy Winter everyone!


Snowmen Cookies from SugarBelle Cutters (Tutorial)

When I first purchased some of SugarBelle's new cutters,
I immediately saw snowmen shapes galore.
So finally, I'm getting a chance to try them all out. :)

These snowmen could be done many different ways, so this is just my versions.
I'd love to see your variations, if you try these out.

All of these cutters are found in the ShapeShifters set, except for the scarecrow (found in an exclusive harvest set at Michaels) and the baby bottle (in the Special Delivery set). The cutters from L to R and Top to Bottom: tombstone/horseshoe (SS), Scarecrow, baby/flip flop (SS), skull/ballerina head (SS), baby bottle, snowman/baby rattle (SS).


Here's how I started all of these shapes......lots of white snow, and then fun hats and scarves.

I tried to add some texture to the accessories.

And then after they dried overnight, I added the faces with markers.
(Jet Black Rainbow Dust dual marker, and Food Doodler markers for color)


Happy snowmen......just the way I like them. :)


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 16, 2015

Join CookieCrazie for......

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

A wild and fun week.......getting ready for the CookieCruise 2015.

I'm heading out this next week to sail on the CookieCruise from Galveston, TX.
It should be a blast.
I'll give you a full report when I return. :)

I won't have wifi while on the ship, so I may not get to post next week's Chatter.
But maybe I'll just post it late......we'll see.

Look out cruisers......the cookie world is about to descend! :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Stay warm out there today on this cold frosty Friday.

Happy Saturday!
This 3D cookie mug from a couple of years ago seems very appropriate this frosty morning.

It's coming in only one month....a favorite holiday to express LOVE via cookies.
I ❤ Valentines Day.

A sea of love..... :)

Having fun with letters today....

One of my favorite parts of the chocolate!

Going on the first ever Cookie Cruise next week. heehee
Get ready for nautical cookies galore!

 I'm "quilting" in the winter time. ;)

3D Snowman Cookie Scene from last year. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Winter Woodland Cookie Collection

Oh how I love winter!

Snowmen have been one of my favorite things for a very long time......
but all the other fun elements of winter really create a cozy set of cookies.



Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW!

Winter Woodland Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 9, 2015

Join CookieCrazie for......

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

This week was a super good cookie week.
I decorated some Valentines cookies in my favorite colors......
and they turned out beyond my wildest imagination.
Honestly, I am stunned at the end results.
What a joy to work hard and play around with cookies.....
and then they turn out better than you'd hoped. :)

I'm starting to gear up for the Cookie Cruise 2015.
We'll be sailing in just two weeks.
Wow.......even though it is the 4th weekend of the month.....
it feels like it is coming so quickly.
I've never been on a cruise before......should be interesting.
I'll give a full report when I return.

Believe it or not, I think I'm done with Valentines cookies.
I'm doing some special cruise cookies next week.
But maybe when I return at the end of January I'll be able to add a few more V-day cookies in there. 

It's been BITTER cold these last few days in Missouri.
I can only imagine what it is like up north.
You'll find me with 3 or 4 layers of clothes.....
by my little space heater....and maybe a blanket or two close by too.



Instagram photos for this week:

Fun Snowmen cookies from a few years ago.

Happy Saturday!

It's that time of year for it to S.N.O.W.
Some people love it.....some hate it.
I'm in the love category.

There's always something so "dreamy" about decorating Valentines cookies.
It's probably my favorite season for cookies.
I'm kind of partial to heart shapes. ❤

Winter-y cookies from last year.....
It's this week.

OK....I love decorating....but this set has been extra super enjoyable to tweak and detail.

Some funny little snowman cookies I made a few years ago.
They put a smile on my face.


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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