umbrella — Blog — CookieCrazie


April Showers Decorated Cookie Collection

April Showers bring May now you know my agenda for this spring.

I love a rainy's a snuggly, read-a-book kind-of-day. And the sound of rain falling is so calming and soothing. It seems perfect to celebrate all those spring showers in a cookie set.


Umbrella Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

April showers require umbrellas......unless you want to get wet.

The problem with the typical umbrella shape is the long handle that can easily get broken off if it is a cookie. Solution?.....leave the handle off. haha

To cut a handle-less umbrella, use an oval cutter and SweetSugarbelle's scalloped edger found in the Shape Shifters set. (see photo below)

Bake and cool the cookies.

Start decorating by outlining and flooding every other segment of the umbrella with one color of glaze. (see photo below)

Allow the first run to dry for about 30 minutes, and then fill in the empty segments. 
(see photo below)

If desired, add an accent line to each segment after the entire cookie has dried for at least 30 minutes.


Umbrella Cookie (Tutorial)

Don't wanna be all wet in the rain?

OK....Umbrella cookies aren't really going to help you there....
but they sure are cute. ;)

To make umbrella cookies you'll need:

Of the two umbrellas I is hand cut and
one is made from a fluted circle cutter and a rectangle cutter.

Just cut two pieces of the circle cookie out
(kind of like small pie pieces) leaving a handle. :)

Once your cookies are baked, 
outline and flood the handle with gray glaze.

After at least 30 minutes of dry time,
add the outline of your umbrella.
(Notice I printed out clipart and used it as reference.)

After 20-30 minutes dry time,
fill in alternating sections of top 
and inside layers of umbrella.

Allow to dry for at least 30 minutes.....
and then flood the remaining segments.
After it has dried for another 30 minutes, 
Outline the rim of the umbrella.....
the part that should be "protruding" out closest to you.

Once the cookies have dried for several hours or overnight,
mix together a drop of almond extract with some silver luster dust.
Paint "silver" onto the gray part of the handle.
on how to use silver luster dust.

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