simply winter cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

simply winter cookies

Simply Winter Cookies: Snowy Snowman

To make this snowy snowman cookie you will need:

Outline and flood the "frosting side" of the cupcake cookie with blue glaze.
While it is still wet, add dots of white glaze.
 Allow it to dry for an hour or more (to prevent bleeding).

Outline and flood the head of the snowman with white glaze.
 Allow to dry overnight.

The next day, add eyes and mouth with black glaze.
Add carrot nose with orange glaze.
Use food color marker to add eyebrows and other details, if desired.

For simple snowman cookies, cover circle cookies with white glaze.
Dry overnight and add faces the next day with black and orange glaze.

Simply Winter Cookies

    Simply Winter Cookies: Snowman with Top Hat (Tutorial)

    To make a snowman cookie with top hat you will need:

     Cut out a cupcake cookie and a circle cookie and piece them together as shown

    Outline and flood the hat portion with black glaze.
    To prevent bleeding, allow it to dry for a few hours before 
    outlining and flooding the circle with white glaze.
    Allow the cookie to dry overnight.

     Using black and orange glaze, add eyes and a carrot nose.
     Use a food color marker to make a mouth, eyebrows, or any other details you'd like.
    Feel free to embellish the hat with a colorful flower, holly leaves, or band around the base.

    Simply Winter Cookies: Mittens & Hats (Tutorial)

    To make mitten and hat cookies you'll need:

    Outline & flood the main part of the hat or mitten as shown.

    You have the option to add a pattern while the base is still wet.

     If desired, you can add some texture by allowing the glaze to dry about 1 hour
    and then using a cake tester (or something similar) to add some indentations.

    Allow the base to dry for several hours.
    Next you can add the cuffs and "pom-pom" by outlining and flooding with white glaze,
    and then covering them with white sanding sugar.
    (Note: You must allow the base to dry thoroughly so that sanding sugar will not adhere to it.)

    Simply Winter Cookies

    Simply Winter Cookies: Snowmen (Tutorial)

    To make snowman cookies you will need:

    *I used a 3-circle snowman cutter with a top hat and trimmed off the top circle to simplify it.

    Outline and flood the cookie with white 10-Second Glaze

    Allow to dry for at least an hour before adding
    the carrot nose (orange glaze) and the twig arms (brown glaze)
    Dry overnight.

    Add the eyes and mouth with a black food color marker.

    Simply Winter Cookies

    Simply Winter Cookies: Snowflakes (Tutorial)

    To make a snowflake cookie you will need:

     Outline and flood the snowflake cookies with white glaze.
    Allow to dry for 30 minutes or more.

    Add snowflake details as you desire. 
    This photo just shows one simple pattern......there are MANY possibilities.
    Look at snowflake clipart/pictures and find patterns to emulate.

    Once the snowflakes have dried overnight,
    brush on some pearl sheen airbrush color (or some pearl luster dust mixed with almond extract)
    to give them a gorgeous shine.

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