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Summer Fun: Beach Shoreline Cookies (Tutorial)

You can add a beach shoreline to almost any shaped cookie.

Start off with making the "sandy" beach.
Outline and flood one side of the cookie with tan 10-Second Glaze.

In a bowl or tray with sides, cover the wet tan glaze with demerara cane sugar.
(I bought mine at Walmart for much cheaper than the link's price.)

 Gently shake off the excess and allow glaze to dry.

On that same day, make shell glaze-icing-transfers.
On parchment paper, pipe "shell-looking" white glaze shapes. 
Allow them to dry overnight.

 After the "sandy beach" has dried a few hours,
outline and flood the rest of the cookie with a light blue 10-Second Glaze.
Allow it to dry for about 1 hour.

Outline and flood a portion of the water a darker blue 10-Second Glaze.

Dry the cookies overnight.

On the following day, paint the shells with a mixture of sterling pearl dust and almond extract.
Allow them to dry for a few hours before adding a dab of white glaze to the back of them and
adhering them onto your "sandy beach".

Paint some lighter blue wave lines onto the water.
(I mixed a dab of Americolor royal blue gel with a dab of bright white.)

If desired, pipe some dots of white glaze on to the sand touching the water to form a "foam" edge.

Ocean Shell Cookies (Tutorial)

To make simple shell cookies you'll need:

 Cut out a scalloped heart and then trim it
into small shell shaped cookies.

Outline and flood the shells with ivory glaze.

After they have dried for 30 min to 1 hr, add some
fanned vertical indentations using a cake tester.

Allow the cookies to dry overnight.
Mix some gel color with almond extract.
Brush onto shells in a layered look.

Allow them to dry for at least an hour (or the color will run),
and then airbrush on some pearl sheen airbrush color.
Since my airbrush broke, I just painted it on.

Shells and Sand Dollars

Another random day of decorating last week I created some ocean-related cookies.

I made some additional electric colors to go along with my pink and electric green from the quilts.....and created some bright shapes. Today's shells and sand dollars are on the boring side.....but stay tuned!

These shells did not turn out as I had originally envisioned......but they're OK. They were too much work for the results, though.

I'm pretty happy with the sand dollars. I tried to recreate what I saw in real photos of them. But then it was hard to photograph the indentations, so I tried every angle. 

Much more sea cookies coming......
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