Down By The Sea — CookieCrazie

Down By The Sea

So I rested for a week after my trip and then this week I couldn't wait any longer. It had been four whole weeks since I'd decorated cookies......and it was TIME. lol 

I haven't had a chance to do summer themed cookies yet, so after choosing seventeen shapes and fourteen colors (I've got to keep the "crazie" in my name!), I set to work. Boy have I had fun these last two days.....learned lots of new things, and thoroughly covered the summer theme. =)

I'll take two posts to show you all the cookies. Since I kind of went overboard (no pun intended!) with variety, I figure I wouldn't overwhelm you in one post.

Here's ship wheels and lighthouses.......these are not extremely exciting, but they look cool when you put them with all the other ocean themed cookies.
I'm very happy with how the ship anchors came of my new cutters :) 
And I'm thrilled with this "sea critter" collection.

Group shot.....
I'll post the rest of my summer collection tomorrow. Stay tuned for LOTS of color.

P.S. I just added a new feature to my blog. You can sign up to receive an email every time I add a new blog post. Click on the link on the top of the right side bar.
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