ice cream sandwiches — Blog — CookieCrazie

ice cream sandwiches

Screaming Ice Cream Cookie Collection

This was one of those cookie sets that was absolutely delightful to decorate.
When you love ice cream.......with all it's cute colors and different flavors......
it's pretty exciting to make a fun platter of every type of ice cream imaginable. :)

Ice cream about memories!  ♥


Here's the favorites all together......

Are you screaming yet?
I sure am. :)

Screaming Ice Cream Cookie Collection

"Ice Cream" Sandwich Cookies (Tutorial)

To make "Ice Cream" Sandwich Cookies you'll need:

 Cut your black cookie dough into rectangular shapes.
You'll need two per sandwich.
Poke holes in the dough either before or after baking them (or both!)
with cake tester or other poking object.

Once baked and cooled,
outline and flood one rectangle with white glaze.
Allow to dry for 30 minutes.
Outline and flood same rectangle again to make "ice cream" nice and thick.
Add top rectangle black cookie.

Simple simple.
But I've heard they are oh so yummy. :)

The other two sandwiches in this photo were made from one larger
funky shaped black cookie covered in white glaze.....
and then a smaller rectangle added to the "top".
I was hoping for a more 3D look.....but it turned out rather wonky.
Oh well.....not everything is going to work, right?

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