hot chocolate — Blog — CookieCrazie

hot chocolate

Hot Cocoa WARM UP Decorated Cookie Collection

What do you get when you put chocolate, heavy cream, marshmallows, whipped cream, sprinkles, peppermint sticks, and cinnamon sticks together?

Surely this collection of cookies will warm up even the most frozen winter adventurer!


Letter cutters found HERE


Top of the Mug Cookies (Tutorial)

I love hot chocolate and hot tea in the winter time.
Even though I'm not a coffee drinker......
my husband always says I like a tiny bit of coffee with my cream and sweetener. haha

Before Christmas, I saw this really cute display in a catalog
with a bird's eye view of a mug of hot cocoa and a snowflake marshmallow.
I cut it out and hug it on my desk......wanting to remember the idea for after Christmas.

And here they are..... "top of the mug" cookies.

A large circle cutter with a small rectangle cutter are pieced together to make the mug.
Or  just hand cut the rectangle and add it to the circle.
Easy peasy.......

Outline and flood the top of the handle and a thick rim around the mug in your choice glaze color.

After it has dried for at least 30 min (longer if you're worried about bleeding color),
add light or dark brown glaze to the center of the mug (depends on your drink of choice, haha).

If you want to make "swirly cream",
add white glaze in a swirly pattern while brown glaze is still wet.

Even though real marshmallows (store bought or homemade) could be used
for the top of the hot cocoa,
you can also make some glaze transfers to look like yummy marshmallows.

Trace the pattern you want to follow (snowflake, etc) onto parchment paper,
and then pipe white glaze over the pattern.
While it is still wet, sprinkle powdered sugar over it.

Finish up the mug details by piping an outline around the mug rim and the handle top
with a 1.5 PME tip in the same glaze color.

Once the transfers have dried overnight,
carefully peel them off the parchment paper and shake off the powdered sugar.
"Glue" the "marshmallows" onto the top of the "cocoa" with some extra glaze.

Mmmm.......double the cocoa with hot cocoa cookies. :)

Winter 2014 Cookie Collection

Hot Chocolate Mug Cookies (Tutorial)

Using SugarBelle's cookie jar cutter,
I had fun creating a mug of hot chocolate topped with yummy whipped cream. :)

Cut off the rounded ball at the top of the cookie jar.
Using a cupcake cutter like this one,
replace a portion of the jar with cupcake shape to form the whipped cream topper
(see photo below).

Once baked and cooled, 
outline and flood the mug and handle in a color of glaze of your choosing.

Allow the glaze to dry for an hour or so....and then add a hot chocolate brown glaze "within" the mug.
This will need to dry for another hour or so, since the white will want to bleed with the brown.

Add the white "whipped cream fluff" in layers (dry time in between) to give it more dimension.

Once the white "whipped cream" has dried a bit, add a dash of cocoa over it's top.
If desired, you can add a design on the front of the mug.

I love how the hot chocolate mug added such bright cheer to the Christmas cookie platter. :)

3D Cookie Mug...... Hot Chocolate Anyone? (Tutorial)

To make a 3DCookie Mug you will need:

  • 8-10 Circle Cookies (top cookie with circle cut out)
  • 1 Handle Cookie (see below)
  • Color-of-Choice 10-Second Glaze
  • White 10-Second Glaze
  • Brown 10-Second Glaze
  • Mini Marshmallows (optional) :)

On the day prior to building the cookie mug, make some steam curl glaze transfers.
Pipe white glaze on parchment paper with a #2 round tip in "steam like" patterns.
Allow to dry overnight.

 Cut and bake 8-10 circle cookies (I used a 2 -3/4" circle).
Be sure you cut a smaller circle out of the cookie that will go on the top of the mug.

For the handle, use a circle cookie with the center cut out and then cut it in half. 
You can widen the height of the handle by stretching it out a tad before baking.

"Glue" the mug circles together with glaze as shown.

 Cover mug and handle with glaze.
Allow to dry overnight.

If desired, you can paint a design on the side of the mug using color gel diluted with almond extract.

Glue the handle to the mug with glaze and place a small bowl or other object
under it to keep it in place while it dries.

 (Please excuse the poor quality photos from my cell phone for this last part of construction.)

Fill the small indentation at the top of the mug with brown glaze. 
With some type of rack or support system (and fancy scotch tape!),
 stand the steam curl glaze transfers up in the wet glaze until they dry and are secure.
You can also add some mini marshmallows for the hot chocolate effect. :)

Winter Drink Collection 2011

Here's the last of my winter drink cookies. My fave is the snowman cup..........I'm sure you are surprised by that. ;)

And here's the whole collection together......

I still have one more winter collection to show lots of info on how I do my corn syrup glaze icing and how I decorate. 

My son, Neil, is still on his 15 hr flight to Johannesburg, South Africa. I'm sure he will be THRILLED to get off that plane. :) Lots of exciting days ahead for him.
Get ready for a very fun January give-away announcement coming in the next couple of days. I'm stunned that Ecrandal Originals would be so generous!
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