homespun Christmas — Blog — CookieCrazie

homespun Christmas

Homespun Christmas Cookie Collection

If you know me at all......
you know how much I love the country/homespun/primitive/quilt style.

Here's a whole set of cookies with a homespun Christmas flare. :)



I believe this is my favorite cookie of the 2013 Christmas season.
SugarBelle's adorable bus cutter is coming in handy often. :)

Homespun Christmas Cookie Collection

Pinecone Cookies (Tutorial)

I've always wanted to do pinecone cookies......but the cutters I saw never really appealed to me.

While contemplating the shape of pinecones, a squished pumpkin shape came to mind.
And idea was born. :)

Using a pumpkin cutter, cut the cookie and then squish the dough to make the body much taller.
(See photo below.)

Once the pinecones are baked and cooled, outline and flood the stem with tan 10-second glaze.
Also make the first row of scales at bottom of the cone with tan 10-second glaze (see photo below.)

(The scales are just indiscriminate rounded triangles. haha How's that for definitive terms?)

Give each row of scales approximately 30 minutes of dry time before adding the next row.

If desired, use a long thin tool (like a cake tester) to add some vertical lines to the stem,
once it has dried for an hour or two.

After the pinecones have dried overnight, make a mixture of gel paste colors
(chocolate brown, gold, and white were used here) 
to paint on some highlights to the them more dimension.

Homespun Christmas Cookie Collection

Gingerbread Cookie Recipe

One of my favorite things to do for the Christmas season is make some REAL gingerbread cookies.

It fills the house with the most amazing scents......and sends me straight into a Christmas mood.

Mmmm......I can almost remember the smells just by looking at this photo. :)

Many have asked for my gingerbread recipe.
Here it is........

Gingerbread Cut-Out Cookies

Recipe adapted from Glorious Treats recipe

1 cup butter
1 cup molasses
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg *
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves *
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper *
6 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

In large bowl, beat butter until smooth.
Mix in brown sugar, molasses, eggs and vanilla.
Add in baking powder and spices and mix well.
Finally, mix in flour until stiff dough is formed.
On lightly floured surface, roll dough to desired thickness (mine are 3/8" thick).
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Cut into desired shapes and placed on parchment- or Sil Pat-lined cookie sheet.
Bake for 11-15 minutes (depending on size of cookies).

Once cooled, decorate the cookies with glaze icing just as done with sugar cookies.

* Note: Adjust the spices to fit your tastes. We like it not too spicy, with less ground clove.

Homespun Christmas Cookie Collection
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