Sweet Art Factory — Blog — CookieCrazie

Sweet Art Factory

3000 Facebook Fans Celebration Blog Give-Away! (Giveaway Officially Closed)

Dec 1 Update: International Entries are Allowed. The sponsors have graciously agreed to ship internationally. :)

This is it.....the biggest blog give-away Cookie Crazie has ever had.
You're gonna love it.
I'm kinda wishin' I could enter it. lol

Knowing that CookieCrazie and Cookies With A Mission FB page was about to hit the 3000 fan mark....I started lining up a very special set of give-away prizes from some really awesome sponsors.

The FB page went over 3000 fans yesterday.....so here we are. Yippee!

OK......are you ready?
Hold onto your hats because these prizes are going to blow you away.....and combining them all together makes it ultra special.

(Can you tell I"m excited?!)

You can head over to The Decorated Cookie blog and see the awesome cookies she made with these cutters. :)

Next.....a $50 gift certificate to Spices, Etc to buy natural flavorings (like I mentioned in this recent post) or any other item they offer......and trust me, they have some AMAZING products.

You're going to LOVE their selection. I have tons on my "want to buy from Spices, Etc" list. :)

(OH.....and EVERYONE can benefit now..... using the discount code CCL with Spices, Etc to get 15% off their purchase. No minimum order. Time to go shopping. ha ha)

 For those that just can't get enough cookie cutters.......Sweet Art Factory is offering 30 (yes, you read that right.....THIRTY) cookie cutters of your choice. I can't think of a better Christmas present for a cookie decorator than to let them browse SAF's selection of over 500 cutters and select THIRTY of them!!

Sweet Art Factory is a special friend and long time partner with Cookies With A Mission. I'm so glad that their generosity is spilling over to my amazing blog fans. :)

And last.....but certainly not least......and really, I'd call it the icing on the......errr  COOKIE......

Karen's Cookies is offering a complete airbrush system along with a box of twelve Americolor Airbrush colors! Wow......I'm in awe of this generous gift from Karen & Mike. 

I just got an airbrush from Karen two months ago. Here's my blog post about my first try at it. I am still learning to use it......but just the little I've done says it will be a huge time saver.....plus add awesome effects to cookie designs.
I'll definitely be bringing you more posts on airbrushing as I continue to play with and get it figured out.

(Oh.....another bonus for everyone.....Karen's Cookies is offering a 15% discount if you use the code "crazie15" on your order. More shopping.......)

Can you believe this line up of prizes?! 

And one of YOU is going to receive all of these incredible gifts right before Christmas. Yeah!

OK.....so here's TWO ways to enter the giveaway.

·         1) Become a Facebook fan of Spices Etc, Sweet Art Factory, Karen's Cookies, and Cookie Crazie
If you are already a Facebook fan, please encourage your friends on FB to become fans. Then return here leaving me a separate comment (on THIS post) telling me you did it.
P.S. If you're not on FB, tell someone about this blog and ask them to take a look.
Then return here leaving me a separate comment on how you shared Cookie Crazie blog with others as your first entry.

2) Send a link about this give-away through your Facebook or Twitter wall.
Return here leaving me a comment (on THIS post) on how you shared the news of the give-away with others.

·         P.S.S. If you're not on FB, send out an email message telling others about this blog giveaway for your second entry.

  I'll need some form of contact information in order to connect with you if you win.

·         Make sure each entry is a separate comment in order to count as two entries.

Entries will only be accepted as comments on this particular blog post "3000 Facebook Fans Celebration Blog Give-Away!". Comments on any other blog post, FB page, or email will not enter you into the give-away.

Each person is only allowed TWO entries into the give-away as outlined above.

The acceptance of entries ends at midnight (CST), Monday, December 5, 2011.


·         I will use random.org to choose the winner.



The winner of the "3000 FB Fan Celebration Blog Give-Away is:

This blog give-away is officially closed.

March Blog Give-Away: 20 Cookie Cutters from Sweet Art Factory!

It's already March 10th......one-third of the way through the month. Wow.....how does that happen?!

I'm excited to offer you theCookieCrazie March Blog Give-Away!

has offered to send 20 (yes that is correct.....TWENTY) cookie cutters of the winner's choice
to 2 (TWO) winners of the CookieCrazie March Blog Give-Away!!!!

Think of the possibilities with the over 400 cutters Sweet Art Factory offers!

For Spring..............

For Graduation.....

For Father's Day......

For various birthdays.....

For a t-shirt, golf shirt, football jersey, dress shirt for Dad, etc etc etc....

All the above photos are the property of Jill Foster - Sweet Art Factory and should not be reproduced without her permission.

As you can see there are lots to choose from and narrowing it down to twenty cutters might actually be difficult. lol But I trust that most of us wouldn't mind working out that kind of hardship. ;)

There are THREE ways to enter the Sweet Art Factory March Blog Give-Away:

1) Have a look through the Sweet Art Factory cookie cutter collection and find your top three favorite cookie cutters. Come back here to share them with me in the comments  Be sure to leave your email address with your comment. 

2) Follow the CookieCrazie blog by clicking on the Google "Follow" button on the right side bar. It looks like this:
Then return to this post and leave me a comment that you are following the blog. (For those that have previously done so, leave me a comment saying so.) Be sure to leave your email address with your comment.

3) Send a link about this give-away through your Facebook or Twitter wall or add Cookie Crazie to your blog list. And if you are unable to do any of these, send out a message to your friends and family telling them about the blog giveaway. Then return here leaving me a comment on how you shared the news of the give-away with others. Be sure to leave your email address with your comment.

You MUST leave your email address in order to enter the blog give-away. No contact information disqualifies your entry.......only because there would be no way to let you know you won!

Entries will only be accepted as comments on this particular blog post "March Blog Give-Away: 20 Cookie Cutters from Sweet Art Factory!". Comments on any other blog post will not enter you into the give-away.

Each person is only allowed THREE entries into the give-away (as outlined above).

Make sure each entry is a separate comment in order to count as three entries.

The acceptance of entries ends at midnight (CST), Sunday, March 13, 2011

I will use random.org to choose the winner.
A big thank you to my friend, Jill, for offering such a generous give-away.

Blog Give-Away Closed.

Meet Jill of Sweet Art Factory

I'm pleased to introduce you to my friend, Jill. We meet a couple of years ago when Jill inquired about my Cookies With A Mission ministry. She has been a generous supporter of CWAM and we've become fast friends with lots of things in common. I'm excited to share Jill and her wonderful online decorating shop, Sweet Art Factory, with you.

Where did your love for cookie decorating begin and do you still love to decorate cookies now that you have a full time cookie decorating business?
I started as a cake decorator. I was trained under an amazing decorator, Starr Kinsey, in Los Angeles. I never had a passion for decorating cookies until I started SweetArtFactory.com. I started carrying cookie cutters in my store and started seeing the obsession of cookie decorating and what an art form it is. This is when I got hooked. I wish I had more time to decorate cookies and would love to do it more. My inspirations come from people like Pam and others who are far better and more talented than I. Their attention to detail is amazing!

Tell us how Sweet Art Factory came about.
I developed a cake decorating technique, called “The Write Way” to decorating. I have book called “Creative Cakes Anyone Can Make” that has sold all over the world. In 1997 I started a website, WriteWayCakes.com to connect people with new ideas for decorating. I had many people ask me where to find decorating products. At that same time, I was ending a 16 year marriage and needed to find another income stream to support me and my two boys. That is how SweetArtFactory.com came about. It started as a way to provide people with hard to find decorating tools and help my family at the same time. It has been a blessing to learn the online business along with serving fantastic customers. 


Among the products you offer, what are your favorites? Which do you use the most in your own kitchen?
My favorite products are the 100’s of cookie cutters we have. Every time I find a new cookie cutter to sell on the site, it is like Christmas when I get them in the mail. I open the box and can’t wait to take the photos and put them on the site. I also LOVE the disposable decorating bags and variety of color gels. 


What if a decorator wants an item that you don't carry? Are you willing to try to carry things on demand?
Most of my business growth is due to customers asking me to carry new products. I am always willing to meet the needs of the home decorator and baker.

What piece of advice would you give a beginning decorator?
Start out with something easy so you feel successful. I know people that see something in a book or website and say, “I can do that”, only to realize how difficult it is. A lot of the designs in my gallery are intended for the novice decorator. I encourage them to have patience and enjoy it. Our motto at SweetArtFactoy.com is “Be Inspired, Get Creative, Have FUN!”

What is the most challenging part of running Sweet Art Factory?
Since I am a single mom, I work three jobs to sustain our family. I am a Director of a Christian preschool with 10 staff and 98 children. Then I own and operate SweetArtFactory.com and teach decorating classes at our local recreation center. So, it is the juggling of my jobs and being a mom of two active teenage boys that make it challenging. I love ALL that I do, but it gets crazy at times.

So how do you make it all work......care for your family, run an online cookie decorating business, AND work full time at your other business?!
It starts every morning at 5:30 a.m.,- time with God. I make a hot cup of coffee, read my devotions and the Bible and then pray until 6:30 a.m. This one hour sustains me for the entire day. I also have learned to sacrifice other things for the greater purposes God has for me. My boys know they come first and when they are up and grown, I will be able to look at more opportunities. My goal right now is to grow SweetArtFactory.com to work at it full-time. 


What is your favorite thing to do to “get away from it all”?
I LOVE to walk. I walk every night, usually with one or both my kids (and dog Reggie!). My favorite place to go is La Jolla Cove in San Diego. I also love to travel. Decorating cakes and cookies is also my therapy. 


What is the most gratifying part of operating Sweet Art Factory?
The people I have met and doing what I love! It is also a joy to give a portion of my profits to two mission fields that I am passionate about. I support five girls in nursing school with an organization called “Restored Heritage” in Cebu, Philippines. I also support the Mallawong family in Hin Hua, Thailand. I have had the opportunity to go and work in the orphanages. It makes my heart bubble over knowing that my small business is helping people across the world.

Are there any future plans for Sweet Art Factory?
My plan is to be one of the top baking supply companies dedicated to the home baker and decorator. Every day I learn something new is this business and it inspires me to keep moving forward. One thing about the people who decorate cakes, cupcakes, cookies and candy – they are the SWEETEST people you will ever meet!

If you have never ordered from SweetArtFactory.com, when you place your first order, type SweetTweet in the voucher line on the shopping cart and receive 25% off your product order.
OK all you shoppers out there.....here's your chance.....25% OFF....YIPPEE!

Thanks Jill for sharing about you and Sweet Art Factory. What a blessing to have you in my life!

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