cookie nest — Blog — CookieCrazie

cookie nest

Do Sweet Birdies Make COOKIE Nests? (tutorial)

I would think that birds like these....

build COOKIE nests, wouldn't you?

Better yet..... WE could build one for our
cute little birdie and egg cookies. :)

To build a cookie nest, you'll need:

I highly recommend a set of these 
round cutters for this project.

You'll need to cut 4 fluted round cookies.
I used the largest four fluted circles in my set.
 3 7/8" (98mm)
3 7/16" (88mm),
3 1/16" (78mm)
2 5/8" (68mm
(It is totally up to you how big you
make the circles which will determine
the size of your nest.)

Oh....and you don't have to use fluted cutters.
Plain circles will work fine.

 The base of the nest will be the smallest circle.
Don't cut a hole in the middle of that cookie!

With the other 3 cookies, 
cut a hole with a round cutter smaller than it.
I found that the size just below it 
usually made the cookie rim too thin.
so you might have to go down two sizes
for cutting out the center circles.

When you're finished cutting,
you should have four graduated circle cookies
with the largest three having a
hole cut out of the center.

Once you've baked them
and have the brown glaze prepared,
stack the cookies like a nest
on a piece of parchment paper.

Then turn the stack upside down
to start building. :)

Place your base whole cookie upright,
and add dark brown icing (#4 round tip) 
to the inner edge of 
next cookie. (see photo below)
Turn it right side up and place it carefully
on top of the base.
 Repeat with the 
final two cookie "rims"
until you've built your entire nest.
Isn't it cute?!

Now turn the built nest 
upside down.
This is where it gets a little messy!

Start at the top 
(actually it is the bottom of the nest)
and work your way down,
covering all the sides with 
dark brown glaze.
Try not to get any glaze on the top 
(actually the bottom of the nest)
to keep it nice and flat 
when you set it upright.

It's OK if glaze flows down around the rim.
That icing will not remain when
you turn the nest upright.

After you've let the sides dry for a 
couple hours (hence needed patience)....
turn your nest upright.
Give the nest more drying time
since that top rim will be very wet
when you turn it over.

Start filling the inside of the nest with glaze.
Again, work from top to bottom
on the sides.
Fill the bottom once the sides are complete.
(You'll already have lots of glaze
on the bottom and will only 
have to add a little more to fill it in.)

Allow the inner nest some dry time...

then outline the top rims 
(inside and outside).

Allow them to dry for 20-30 minutes 
before flooding the top rim.

Allow another hour or so of dry time
(see what I mean about the patience!)
and then the fun part begins...

Take your three colors of brown glaze
and using #2 round tips,
add lots of lines all over the nest.....
giving it the look of twigs and
anything our birdie could find. :)

Allow your nest to dry overnight.

And then you will have this.....

a wonderful little nest to fill with 
egg cookies, candy, or whatever you wish.

That was a long one.
But I did it. :)

To build a cookie basket, go HERE.

To see more birds & nests:

My sincere thanks goes out to my dear friend Callye,
who encouraged me to make this tutorial.
You're the best-est, my sweet friend!

More Birds & Nest Cookies....Bring on Spring!

Continuing with the

 More bird, eggs, and nest cookies...

I finally got the awesome cutter shape that is
so popular right now.

Thanks to LilaLoa and CopperGifts. :)

 A nest with speckled Easter eggs.....

The entire collection together. Makes me smile.....
Check out the Show Me Flickr group's 

You can also see more birds and nests with 

Some past bird cookie posts

Happy Spring......Birdies & Nest Cookies and All :)

Today is the first day of spring.

However, my daughter says that we went from fall to summer...
and I'm inclined to believe her.
What happened to winter and spring?!

Oh well.....doesn't change the calendar.

And it's appropriate on this first day of spring
to show some cute little birdies
setting up their homes. :)

My new motto.....if you can't find a 
prop for the cookie collection....
make it!
I needed a nest....
so I made one.......
out of COOKIES! :)
(Actually I made two.)

To see the group that inspired me
to create some nests and birds
for a monthly cookie challenge......go HERE.

See some bird fun at some of my besties....
Callye's Pretty Little Bluebird Cookies
Bea's Bluebirds and Nests
Callye's Adorable Blue Birdies

Check out last year's Spring has Sprung in Bluebirds.

Happy Spring!

Check out Part 2 of my
Spring & Birds Collection....

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