coin purse cookie — Blog — CookieCrazie

coin purse cookie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 6, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

  CookieCrazie is offering a decorating class on
Sat, April 25, 2015 in the St. Louis, Missouri Metro area.
(Update: Only 3 spots don't delay in signing up!)
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It's always weird when I take a week off from cookies.
Even though cookie news and cookie-related stuff is all around me......
I miss decorating cookies.
This folks, is why I'm CRAZIE. haha

I had a productive week getting most of the supplies for our Ukraine trip gathered.
Yesterday, I bought 7 bottles of corn syrup! :)
They don't have corn syrup in Ukraine.....
so I'm making up some "cookie decorating kits" for some of the ladies.
It will be so fun to have a cookie class with them on the retreat and then watch them
"take cookie decorating home with them". 
Can't wait!

This next week I have a unique cookie project to do.
It's only unique for me.....most cookiers have already done something like it.
I'm super excited about trying out a few new techniques in the process.

How did we get so blessed as to have so much fun doing something that others love too?!


Instagram photos for this week:

A little personalized gift for a friend with my new
Alphabet Block cutters from

Happy Saturday!

The feminine side of the gender reveal cookies....

One of my favorite sets from last year......using just three colors. :)

Awww......even though these are from many months ago, they still bring a smile....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Glamor Purse Cookie (Tutorial)

These cute purse cutters are found HERE.

Using grey 10-second glaze, outline, flood & detail the clutch portion of the purses first.
(see photo below)

To create dimension, first pipe the tiny side portion of each purse and allow it to dry for 30 min.
(see photo below)

Next, outline and flood the remainder of the purse.

After some drying time, add detailing lines.
(For the fushia-colored purse, I waited 2-3 hours and used a cake tester 
to imprint crossover lines.)

Dry overnight.

Paint silver pearl dust mixed with vodka onto the top clutch portion of the purse.

Navy Fuchsia Glamor Cookie Collection
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