autumn leaf — Blog — CookieCrazie

autumn leaf

Autumn Leaf Tree Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

As I got out all my autumn cookie cutters and began to think about how to make something different this year, I notice how a plain leaf cutter could represent an autumn tree very well. 

Sadly, the cutter I used on these cookies doesn't appear to be available any longer. I've had it for many years....and even with an extensive search just now, I couldn't find it anywhere. But there are cutters available that are conducive to this design. Look for a leaf shape that has a pronounced bottom stem to serve as the "tree trunk".

Here's a set of cutters that could work well.

Refer to the video below to see the details on decorating these cookies.


Brush the surface of the cookie with some dry caramel dust to give it a nice background.

Using dark brown glaze, pipe a trunk and random branches all over the leaf shape.

Allow the glaze to dry for several hours.

Brush the entire cookie, except for the trunk portion with a thin layer of corn syrup.
Immediately sprinkle this sugar pearl fall mix by Sweets & Treats over the corn syrup and lightly push the pearls down into the sticky corn syrup.

A simple and lovely autumn tree in no time at all. :)


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, October 30, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It's been a super good week.
So many fun things have happened in my cookie world.
I was able to do a live chat on Cookie Connection about glaze and edible clay.
I met a sweet friend who sells decorating supplies and she is a GEM!
I was able to complete a super fun set of cookies using Rolkem Gold for the first time. (Love it!) 
I'm in the process of setting up some upcoming cookies classes.
God is good!

Can you believe that November starts on Sunday?! 
It is astounding how quickly time flies by......
I'm so grateful for each day....and the opportunity to bring glory to God.

Thanks for sticking with me and being such awesome cookie friends.
Your encouragement and support means a tremendous amount to me!


Instagram photos for this week:


It's never too early, right? ;)
I'm having fun implementing latest ideas into coming season.....
#shabbychic #lace #christmas

Yeah...... "Vellum" on a tag cookie.
Oh, the possibilities!

Well......It's certainly not perfect, but here's a quick video
showing how I add texture to partially dried glaze.
As you can see.....there is definitely room for improvement (it's not fool proof).
I should have waited out the glaze for at least another 30 minutes to an hour.
But the texture effect is so dramatic,
that it is worth the wait.
(P.S. Those botched spots will just have to have a little embellishment added to them to cover it up.)

Happy Tuesday!

Still my favorite acorn cutter.....
#tbt #throwback #acorn #fall #autumn


Here's the Back-to-School Scrapbook Tag cookies I did for #CookieCon2015.
#scrapbooking #vellum #backtoschool #globe #apple #gifttags #bibleverse


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Autumn Tree Cookie Platters

I'm constantly thinking of how I can make "cookie scenes" on a platter.
Back when I did the apple tree cookie platter, Ginny (CreativeCookier) and I
brainstormed how we could add cutters to the basic tree cutter to fit the fall season.

There are a whole new set of autumn leaves in the CookieCrazie Custom Cutter section.
I love these leaves because they are not "perfect".
They look a little more like the real deal.

For these platters, I used the following cutters:

Tree for All Seasons
Fall Leaf Collection
Acorn Whimsy

2014 Autumn Cookie Collection
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